bathroom – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Thu, 01 Aug 2024 08:15:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bathroom – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:43:36 +0000 14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

Cleaning your bathroom is unlikely to be a chore you relish. After all, who’s ever claimed to love scrubbing toilets or tackling mildew stains? However, that doesn’t mean it needs to be a completely thankless task or a particularly time-consuming one. Check out these 14 bathroom cleaning hacks with less effort.

1. Clean Your Shower With Vinegar

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

The key to sparkling shower tiles is already in your pantry: white vinegar.

“Heat the vinegar in the microwave and spray it on while it’s hot,” suggests Brad Roberson, president of Glass Doctor, a Neighborly Company. Roberson suggests adding a tablespoon of dish soap to the mixture if the smell bothers you, noting that this can also help cut through tough grime.

2. Scrub Mildew With A Dish Brush

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

If you’ve got mildew or surface mold in your bathroom, a clean dish brush is a tool you need to combat it. Roberson suggests combining six cups of warm water and a quarter cup of bleach to create a mold-busting cleaner.

3. Get Rid Of Mold Stains With Baking Soda

Get Rid Of Mold Stains With Baking Soda

For those stubborn mold and mildew stains that your dish brush and bleach solution won’t touch, try applying a paste of baking soda and water. “Cover the stain with the paste and allow it to stay on the stain for three to four hours,” following up with a thorough rinse, suggests Roberson.

4. Use Baking Soda And Vinegar To Deodorize A Drain

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

If your drain is emitting some unpleasant odors, a simple mixture of baking soda and vinegar can fix that in no time.

“The combination of vinegar and baking soda begins to fizz and can help break up any congealed grease in your drain,” explains Joshua Miller, VP of Technical Training at Rainbow International Restoration. Miller recommends pouring one cup of baking soda and two cups of white vinegar down the drain, then flush it with hot water after half an hour.

5. Use Dental Floss To Clean The Small Parts Of Your Sink

Some parts of your sink are simply too small for the average cleaning tool to reach.

Luckily, there’s a solution right inside your medicine cabinet: “Dental floss is a great way to remove buildup in the nooks and crannies of the faucet and handles,” says Kim Burckhardt, owner of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services of Westminster-Eldersburg.

6. Use Dryer Sheets To Nix Soap Scum

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

Can’t seem to get rid of that soap scum on your shower or tub? Instead of a sponge, reach for a dryer sheet.
“Add a few drops of water to a dryer sheet and gently rub the area. Rinse the residue off and the majority of the scum should be gone,” suggests James Conner, VP of operations at Molly Maid.

7. Use A Denture Tablet To Clean Your Toilet

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

Not in the mood to scrub your toilet? Then let a denture tablet do the hard work for you. “Drop one in, let it do its job, and then flush to get rid of toilet bowl stains and rust,” suggests Conner.

8. Squeegee Your Bathroom Window

Finding that your usual glass cleaner isn’t cutting it when it comes to getting your bathroom window clean? Using a squeegee instead can help keep those panes clear and free of water spots.

9. Rub The Lemon Over Chrome To Wipe Off Water Spots

Though water sports are unavoidable in places where water is constantly running (like the shower and the sink), it’s surprisingly simple and cheap to get rid of them. All you have to do is rub lemon over your stained chrome fixtures and the pesky spots should disappear instantly. Plus, using this citrus-as-cleanser will mask any unpleasant smells.

10. Restore Your Mirror’s Shine With Black Tea

Young happy black man cleaning the bathroom mirror. You want your bathroom mirror to be spotless so that you know what you actually look like before leaving the house—but all too often, it’s fogged up with water stains, dust, and other debris.

The solution? Black tea! All you have to do is combine a cup of boiling water with a few bags of black tea, let it cool, and use the resulting solution to clean your cloudy mirror. The tannic acid in the tea will dissolve any dirt, leaving you with a spotless surface that tells no lies.

11. Put Your Toothbrush Holder In The Dishwasher

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

It’s easy to let your toothbrush holders become disgustingly dirty. But washing the accessory is barely a chore: all you have to do is throw it in the dishwasher. Really, that’s it!

12. Sweep Your Bathtub Clean

There’s no need to waste time scrubbing your entire bathtub with a sponge. Instead, cover it in soap, then sweep and scrub with a clean broom and rinse until all of the suds are gone. The broom will clean as effectively as a sponge would, but using the large long-handled brush will require half as much effort.

13. Use Cotton Balls To Clean Pesky Bathtub Corners

The corners of the tub are always the hardest to clean. Luckily, there’s a simple solution for this, and it’s probably already sitting in your medicine cabinet. Just soak some cotton balls in the tub cleaner of your choice and let them sit on the edges of your tub overnight. By morning, those tub edges will be clean as a whistle!

14. Combine Baking Soda And Bleach To Clean The Grout

Grout – the stuff used to fill the gaps between tiles-looks good when it’s clean, but dirt easily sneaks into those small crevices, making the walls look dirty in an otherwise spotless bathroom. To restore your tiles (and the spaces between them) to their original color, apply a paste made out of 3/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup bleach to the grout, let it sit for 30 minutes, and remove with a scrub brush or cloth to reveal sparkling clean walls. This is an awesome bathroom cleaning tip.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
13 Brilliant Bathroom Smell Hacks That Are Worth Keeping Wed, 22 Nov 2023 08:46:57 +0000 Terrible bathroom smells can make your bathroom seem like a toxic wasteland. Keep your bathroom deodorized and fresh with these clever hacks.


Add a couple drops of essential oil inside the toilet paper roll to release a fresh scent every time someone uses the TP.

13 Brilliant Bathroom Smell Hacks That Are Worth Keeping
13 Brilliant Bathroom Smell Hacks That Are Worth Keeping

You’ll be surprised at how much fresher your bathroom is with this quick trick.


You may not even realize it but over time, untreated mold in your bathroom grout can contribute to a musty bathroom smell. And on the floor, grout can absorb spilled urine and other fluids, adding up over time to the stink. Deep clean and fix any grout cracks and moldy spots and you will see your bathroom freshen.


What you think might be a stinky poo smell might actually be your drain all gunked up and rotting. Twice a year, remove the sink drain trap. It is EASY to do, you don’t need to hire a plumber. Just unscrew it, remove the junk that fills it up, rinse it out and replace. This will help keep bathroom odors to a minimum


Speaking of essential oils, you can pair them with baking soda, water, and citric acid to make your own DIY toilet bombs to get rid of toilet odor.

The baking soda helps absorb and eliminate odors, the citric acid is a great antimicrobial, and of course, the essential oils add a pleasant scent to the family restroom.

They take several days to make, so be sure to double the recipe. At least at our house, we go through a bunch of them.


Have you heard of Poo-Pourri? It’s a spray that you use before you use the bathroom to help eliminate odors while you’re going #2. But, you can make your own copycat poo-pourri at home to save some money.


13 Brilliant Bathroom Smell Hacks That Are Worth Keeping

It’s no surprise that your toilet brush may be harboring some germs and odors. Fill your toilet brush holder with your favorite cleaner), and let your brush soak in that between uses.


Get a small jar and fill it with baking soda. This will help you eliminate odors. Baking soda is a natural scent absorber. AND the ph balance of the baking soda will also kill bacteria, so it serves a double purpose.


Terrible, awful, no good bathroom smells can hide in those tiny crevices that you don’t clean that often, particularly if you have boys in your home. Sorry, fellas, but it’s true.

Every now and then, remove the toilet seat to clean around those fittings. Seriously, this one trick makes a huge difference! You’ll be amazed.


13 Brilliant Bathroom Smell Hacks That Are Worth Keeping

If your bathroom has a musty odor, it very well could be that your towels are the culprits. Cotton is TERRIFIC at absorbing water and drying us off, but unless towels are able to dry completely, they become breeding grounds for bacteria and mold. The solution? Wash them in hot water and add a cup of vinegar with a second rinse cycle. Vinegar will help kill the stink culprits and leave your towels soft and smelling fresh.


Matches work. The striking of the match burns up the methane gasses in the room, helping the bathroom go back to fresh faster.

13 Brilliant Bathroom Smell Hacks That Are Worth Keeping

Or burn candles in the bathroom, the scent of candles also helps eliminate odors in the bathroom.


I’ve never met a trash can that couldn’t use a little freshening up. We use baking soda in the back of the fridge, in the kitchen pantry, and in the bathroom! Sprinkle some in the bottom of your trash can. Goodbye smelly bathroom (trash)!


Have you tried vinegar in the water tank? Pour in one cup, flush it a few times, and your toilet will smell fresh again. Do not allow the vinegar to sit in your tank for long periods, though.


Pair witch hazel with essential oils and purified water into your mop for a smelly odor knockout combination that doesn’t overpower your senses.

And finally, my friend swears that she could never get rid of that “boy smell” in her bathroom until she got a Steam Mop. It’s worth a try, right?

Just make sure that the oils you are using are safe for steaming. Our favorite is blending tea tree and lemon! Smells SO GOOD.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
The Ultimate Bathroom Mold Removal Guide: Say Goodbye to Mold and Mildew Wed, 01 Nov 2023 02:15:04 +0000 Bathrooms are often the perfect breeding grounds for mold and mildew.

Bathroom Mold Removal—The damp and humid environment provides the ideal conditions for these unwelcome guests. But fear not! With the right knowledge and strategies, you can bid farewell to bathroom mold and keep it from making a comeback.

1. Preventative Ventilation:

– Use exhaust fans and open windows during and after showers to reduce humidity and promote ventilation. Mold thrives in stagnant, damp air.

2. Regular Cleaning Routine:

– Develop a consistent bathroom cleaning routine. Wipe down surfaces, including walls and ceilings, with a mold-fighting cleaner. Don’t forget to scrub tile grout and sealant to prevent mold from taking hold.

3. Natural Mold Removers:

– Create a natural cleaning solution using equal parts white vinegar and water. Spray this mixture on mold-prone areas and let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing away the mold.

4. Silicone Sealant Maintenance:

– Inspect and replace any damaged or deteriorating silicone seals around your bathtub and shower. Proper sealing prevents moisture from seeping in and causing mold.

Bathroom Mold Removal- Tricks for a Mold-Free Bathroom

– Baking Soda Scrub: Make a paste with baking soda and water and use it to scrub away mold from grout, tiles, and other surfaces. Rinse thoroughly.

– Tea Tree Oil: Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water in a spray bottle. Spray this natural antifungal solution on mold-prone areas, leave it for a few hours, and wipe clean.

– Reduce Clutter: Minimize the number of items in your bathroom to prevent mold from hiding in hard-to-reach spots.

With the right approach, you can reclaim your bathroom from the clutches of mold and mildew. Regular maintenance, proper ventilation, and natural cleaning solutions are your allies in this battle. We hope this guide has armed you with the knowledge and strategies needed to enjoy a clean, mold-free bathroom.

Remember, a mold-free bathroom not only looks better but also contributes to a healthier living environment. Say goodbye to unsightly mold, musty odors, and the hassle of scrubbing away mold constantly. Instead, say hello to a fresh, clean, and welcoming bathroom. Happy cleaning! 🚿🧽

12 Things you shouldn’t pour down the drain if you don’t want to lose money Wed, 11 May 2022 17:40:19 +0000 Since you do so much cleaning in your sink, it can be easy to let things fall down the drain. But doing so could cause your drain to clog and even cause long-term damage. While a drain cleaner tool might be a quick fix, bigger issues will require a plumber and some money. Save yourself the hassle and avoid pouring these things down the drain. After doing the dishes, don’t forget about the sink.


You might think that a crushed up eggshell will go down the drain smoothly, but it actually is causing a blockage. The sharp, hard edges of the shell will collect other things coming down your drain and eventually cause a clog.


When you pour grease down the drain, it sticks to the inside of your pipes and the pipes in the street. This can cause the entire pipe to become clogged over time. Other oil-based products are also dangerous to pour down your drain, such as cooking oil, salad dressings, butter, mayonnaise, and fat. If needed, make sure to let the grease cool first, then dispose of it in the trash instead.


Flour coagulates when mixed with water. This can clog your pipes by coating the edges and catching other bits of disposables trying to make their way down. Always throw your flour, whether mixed with water or not, in the garbage.


If you flush your unused or expired medication or crush it up and pour it down the drain, those chemicals will be leaked back into your drinking water and the environment. Always make sure to dispose of unwanted medication at your local pharmacy or police department, which will have access to medical waste disposal units.

Produce stickers

Many times people wash their fruit and forget to take the sticker off; it falls in the sink and you eventually just let it go down the drain. Peel them off before you wash your fruit and dispose of it properly. Those little stickers don’t dissolve in water and can clog your pipes and block screens and filters or pumps at the water treatment plant.

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds build up in your pipes and cause blockages. Plumbers say they are the most common cause of drain problems. You should always dispose of coffee grounds in your trashcan or use them for composting (don’t forget the coffee grounds at the bottom of your mug).

Products claiming to be ‘flushable’

Products claiming to be “flushable” such as certain brands of cat litter and wipes still create a high risk of clogged drains. Cat litter is still highly absorbent after you flush it and toxins from cat feces may get leaked into the ocean and harm marine life. Flushable wipes also don’t break down properly and often get caught on other things creating large clots in pipes.


Condoms are made of latex, which doesn’t disintegrate in water, so never, ever flush them. Throw them in the trash or dispose of them at a waste treatment center. If you flush them, they may end up in the ocean and marine life often mistakes them for food and chokes.

Cleaning products

Even though most cleaning products are liquid, they should never be poured down the drain because they contain harmful chemicals. Many contain phosphates, antibacterial agents, and other compounds that aren’t removed at the water treatment plant and can be hazardous to the ecosystem.

Paper products

The only paper product that should go down your drain is toilet paper. It has been specially designed to break down and disintegrate in water. Always dispose of other paper products such as paper towels, cotton balls, and feminine hygiene products in the trash. These items are extremely absorbent and will easily clog your pipes.

Expandable food

It’s OK to let some food run down the drain, but a lot of it expands when mixed with water and can lead to a block. Pasta and rice are two foods to watch out for. Also, pastas are made with flour, which will become sticky and catch other things in your pipes.


Similar to cleaning products, paint should never be poured down the drain even though it’s a liquid. It has the potential to pollute the environment and cause your drain to clog. Many towns have hazardous waste facilities where you can safely dispose of your old or unused paint. Next, read about the foods you should never keep in your pantry.

6 Things Plumbers Always Do in Your Own Home You Should Know Wed, 11 May 2022 17:11:20 +0000 A professional plumber has a significant advantage over the average homeowner when it comes to maintaining pipes, drains, fixtures, et al. Pros know exactly what to do and when to do it. They also know whether something is an emergency versus a “this can wait until the weekend” sort of thing.

But don’t be intimidated—you don’t need to memorize the Uniform Plumbing Code or pass your state’s licensing exam to maintain a plumbing system free of leaks, clogs, and sewage backups. It’s more a matter of implementing habits and routines that will help you minimize
Here are 6 things professional plumbers always do in their own homes to keep things running smoothly.

1. Plumbers always put food waste into the trash or compost bin

Dumping bacon grease or the remnants of your toddler’s lunch into the sink and running the garbage disposal might seem like the quick-and-easy way to plow through a stack of dirty dishes. But it’s actually a terrible habit that can really wreak havoc on your plumbing system

A better plan? Scrape your plates into the garbage can, and pour grease into an empty can that also goes in the trash. Composting is an option, too, if you have a way to dispose of the compost. Some cities offer compost pick-up, and many people use compost in their gardens.

Why is this so important? Grease sticks to the walls of your pipes and eventually clogs your drain. And the garbage disposal is not designed to break down and process things like meat, eggshells, and coffee grounds. Putting these items down the drain and running the disposal will overwork and eventually damage the device.

2. Plumbers flush their water heater regularly

If you find yourself standing in a cold shower every morning or hearing weird sounds coming from your water heater, it might be time to ask yourself if the unit has been flushed lately. Or ever.

Why is this necessary? Over time sediment builds up at the bottom of your water heater tank. This sediment can damage the appliance, making it inefficient or even inoperable. Flushing is particularly important in areas with hard water.

Fortunately, performing this annual to-do is not complicated. And while you can certainly hire a plumber to flush a water heater on your behalf, many DIYers are perfectly capable of doing the job.

3. Plumbers use a smart device to check for leaks and drips

“(The device) basically monitors for fluctuations in water pressure and any type of leaks that may occur”. “It is a really useful device.”

If you’re not ready to add a smart home leak monitor, remember to keep an eye out for leaks and drips. This is typically done by simply listening for the sound of rushing water or that tell-tale drop-drop sound. You can also go through your home and check each faucet.

“The sooner you catch stuff with good routine inspections, the cheaper it is to fix” .

4. Plumbers always use a no-frills plunger

Sometimes, back-to-basics is best. Case in point: toilet plungers. You can buy all sorts of gimmicky, overly engineered plungers, but the ones that work best are the good old-fashioned.

Why? Because they quickly and effectively do the job they are meant to do—unclog a toilet. Plus, they are easy to clean. “Fancy” plungers, with their air holes, tempered handles, and drip-free magnetic collars, cost more and don’t do anything to help make plunging more pleasant. Save yourself the trouble by sticking to the original version, even if it doesn’t look as good in the corner of your bathroom.

On a related note, when you’re shopping for a plunger, add a basic pair of safety goggles to your car. Plunging can be an extremely dirty job and you’ll want your eyes protected.

5. Plumbers change their water filter cartridges

If you use a plumbing-integrated water filter of any kind—whether it be a faucet filter, refrigerator filter, under-sink filter, or a whole-house water treatment filter—it’s essential you do exactly what a plumber would do and change those filter cartridges regularly.

Generally, change the filter every six months, but this can vary based on use and manufacturer’s recommendations. Check the owner’s manual for your particular device.
Because the filter collects various contaminants that could be in your city’s water system. (If you’re not sure which contaminants your filter blocks, this handy database can tell you.) In some cases, this is mostly about taste. Other times, it is about health. In either case, you want your filter to do its job. If you fail to change the filter, it can get dirty and clogged, rendering it useless.

6. Plumbers check their water pressure at least once a year

Water pressure that is too high or too low can be problematic, not to mention annoying. This is why plumbers check the water pressure in their homes at least once a year.

What can go wrong if you don’t keep tabs on it? Well, with low water pressure, you’ll experience things like slow flow in the shower or a washing machine that takes forever to fill. High water pressure can lead to leaks, wear-and-tear on your appliances, and even burst pipes.

While it can vary by city code, in general, the water pressure should be set to a maximum of 80 PSI. This will allow you to easily rinse the shampoo out of your hair in the shower while also keeping your pipes in one piece. Checking your water pressure is really easy. Just pick up a water pressure test gauge, secure it to your hose or faucet, turn on the water and wait for the reading to register.

If your pressure is too high or too low, you’ll need to seek help from a plumber or determine the cause of the issue and make the repair yourself. There are numerous causes of high and/or low pressure, but one possible fix for low pressure is the installation of a water pressure booster pump.

Tips to clean your shower head in your bathroom… Fri, 06 May 2022 16:33:26 +0000 How to clean your shower head

If you’re doubting whether you really need to waste time cleaning a shower head, answer this: How regularly and how closely do you look at your shower head? Exactly. And chances are, you clean it even less often.

We get it, though. The shower head is often in an awkward space that requires some odd contortions to get a close look. And to really get it clean, you have to invest time and effort into unscrewing the whole thing.

It sounds tedious, but once you know how to clean a shower head, it really isn’t that bad. Plus, you’ll feel that much better every time you hop in the shower. To learn how to clean a shower head, follow this expert advice.

Cleaning your shower head without removing it

To do the job quickly, follow these step-by-step instructions for how to clean a shower head:

Fill a plastic bag about halfway full with white vinegar. Use quart-sized bags for faucets and gallon-sized bags for shower heads. (If you have a large shower head, you may need to get creative.) “Vinegar is good to use because it is strong enough to dissolve anything that’s left in the head” . If you prefer to use something besides vinegar, try lemon juice or an over-the-counter product that specifically targets limescale and shower scum.
Wrap the vinegar-filled bag around the shower head or faucet so that any place where water exits is completely submerged in the vinegar. Hold the bag in place by snapping a rubber band around it, affixing it to the shower head or faucet.
Wait approximately one hour to let the vinegar eat away at any hard-water deposits or calcium buildups. While you’re waiting, learn how to clean the dirtiest items in your home.
After the hour has passed, remove the bag and scrub the faucet or shower head with a toothbrush to clear up any stubborn residue.
Rinse by simply run the shower for a few minutes with hot water.
Pro tip: If you turn the shower on and the individual spray holes in the shower head are still blocked, try poking them with a small tool, like a toothpick. The vinegar will have loosened any buildup so that it can be easily dislodged.

How to deep clean a shower head

While a quick cleaning works, a deep clean should be on your cleaning schedule. Do it two to four times a year to ensure you’re nixing the buildup on the interior of your shower head. Not only will this step-by-step guide deep clean your shower head, but it’ll teach you how to clean a clogged shower head as well.

Detach the shower head. “For best results, remove the shower head using a wrench to unscrew the nut located at the shower arm”. “Practice care in not ruining the fixture’s finish and use a soft rag with your tool to cushion it.”
Next, rinse the loose debris out of the shower head. “Place the shower head upside down and rinse it under the faucet with a blast of water. Then position the shower head to ensure the water flushes out the mineral debris” .
If you notice mineral deposits still lodged inside, recommends using a small brush doused in vinegar to scrub the deposits from the showerhead. You’ll probably find yourself completing this step if it’s been a while since your last deep clean.
Let the shower head soak in vinegar overnight.
Reinstall the shower head. Before you do, “wrap plumber’s tape around the shower arm entrance to create a tight seal and use a wrench to reattach the shower head to the shower arm”. “Use a rag to protect the shower arm’s finish.”
Once the shower head is reinstalled, turn on the shower for a few minutes to clear out any residual vinegar. You may want to start with a gentle stream and then increase, just in case the shower head isn’t 100 percent sealed.

6 tips that can unclog a toilet without a piston, not everyone knows Wed, 04 May 2022 21:44:20 +0000 Get things in working order with these mess-proof ideas.

1. Start With Dish Soap

Plunging a clogged toilet is no fun, but there’s a better way. To unclog a toilet without a plunger, head to the kitchen for some dish soap. The slippery soap should help lubricate the clogged pipe and allow the lodged debris to slide down more easily.

Pour about a half-cup into the toilet. If you’re out of dish soap, chop a bar of hand soap into small chunks and drop the pieces into the toilet. If none of these unconventional methods work, here’s our fool-proof guide for how to unclog a toilet.

2. Check Out the Best Toilet Paper for Your Plumbing

We tested toilet paper breakdown and this is what happened. This is the best toilet paper for your plumbing.

3. Add Hot Water

If dish soap alone doesn’t do the trick, adding water might move things along. Fill a bucket with hot bath water (boiling water could cause a porcelain toilet to crack) and pour the water into the toilet from waist level. The force of the water could dislodge whatever is causing the clog.

4. DIY a Drain Snake Using a Wire Hanger

A more severe blockage could require manually moving the item. To do this without a plunger, unravel a wire coat hanger until it’s straight. Push one end of the wire into the clogged area. Prod the debris until it becomes free and flows down the drain.

5. Plunger Alternative: Baking Soda Mixture

As an alternative to using dish soap and no plunger, try this all-natural solution. Pour one cup baking soda and two cups vinegar into the toilet. Allow it fizz for a half hour. If clog doesn’t dissipate, try the hot water trick.

6. Use a Plastic Bottle to Create Water Pressure

Start by removing as much water from the toilet bowl as possible; you can do this by repeatedly filling a small container with toilet water and pouring the water into a bucket. Next, fill a large plastic bottle with warm water.

Place your thumb over the top of the bottle and fit the top end of the bottle into the outlet at the bottom of the toilet.Remove your thumb and squeeze the bottle so the water inside shoots down the pipe. The added pressure could dislodge whatever was causing the clog.

6 Steps to avoid a bathroom remodel nightmare Fri, 29 Apr 2022 06:04:03 +0000 Learn how you can avoid bathroom remodel nightmares this Halloween season. AHS offers insights for bathroom remodeling.


Are you thinking of remodeling your bathroom? It’s a good time of year for it — the holidays are almost here, and you might be thinking of ways to spruce up the house. Or maybe you’ve been self-isolating for a while due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and you’re starting to get sick of looking at your outdated bathroom. Being home all the time has put a strain on those fixtures anyway. It’s time to freshen things up.

Before you start swinging that sledge hammer, though, you should know there are plenty of things that can go wrong with a bathroom remodel. Here’s how you can avoid — or at least deal with — some of the most common bathroom remodel nightmares.

1. Don’t Forget to Plan Around the Door

When remodeling your bathroom, it’s easier and cheaper to leave the plumbing where it is (more on that later) and install new fixtures in the same places. If you are going to move around fixtures or install more cabinetry, don’t forget that you need to leave room to open and close the bathroom door completely. You don’t want to block your door and end up with less (or, let’s face it, no) privacy. It seems like something that could never happen until it happens to you, because you’ve been working all day, you’re tired, and you’re not thinking straight when you install your new bathroom features.

2. Work with the Space You Have

You’re not going to be able to install everything you want in your bathroom remodel, especially if you have limited space in the room.That means you may have to skip the double sink and soaker tub. Rein in your bathroom remodeling ideas accordingly.

Remodeling a bathroom means maneuvering and working with large, heavy fixtures in a cramped space. Measure everything twice and then again for good measure, so you can buy fixtures that will fit. Plan your new bathroom beforehand. That way you won’t waste hours trying to muscle a vanity into a nook that is too small to accommodate it.

3. Leave the Plumbing Where It Is

When remodeling a bathroom, it’s really the most economical to leave the plumbing where it is if you can. Unless your bathroom’s layout is extremely impractical, you should connect new fixtures to the existing plumbing. Moving existing water lines and drain pipes can be very problematic and expensive.

4. Remember Who’s Using the Bathroom

Will this bathroom be used mostly by kids, or is it in the master suite? When designing a bathroom remodel, consider the family members who will be using it most. Install a walk-in tub and grab bars for seniors and the disabled. Increase spacing to accommodate a wheelchair or make it easier for a home health aide or family member to help a disabled or senior person use the facilities.

For children, brainstorm structural and design elements that will appeal to them and will, ideally, make the bathroom easier for small family members to use. Look for bathroom, shower, and tile ideas for children’s bathrooms, and get input from your kids.

5. Know What You’re Getting Into

Removing an old tub or shower surround and replacing it with a new one isn’t as straightforward as it might seem on the surface. There’s a bit more to it than just yanking out the old and putting in the new. You have to make sure your hot and cold water connections are leak-free and functional. You also need to ensure the shower or tub floor slopes toward the drain. And that’s not all.

Unless you’re a skilled do-it-yourselfer, it might be worth it to hire professional bathroom remodelers. That way you won’t end up with leaks, standing water in your new shower or tub, faulty waterproofing, or other problems that could become big issues down the road. Remember, bathrooms are wet, so a botched bathroom remodel could leave your home vulnerable to water damage — and that damage could accumulate and become more severe without you even knowing it, until it becomes irreversible.

6. Consider Gutting the Whole Bathroom

The potential for water damage is why you should consider gutting your whole bathroom down to the studs when you remodel. A full gut will tell you whether you need to replace a rotting subfloor or leaking drain pipes, as well as if you have a mold problem to mitigate — and it will allow you to rebuild with modern materials that are much more resistant to mold and water damage.

3 Tips to keep the toilet always clean Thu, 28 Apr 2022 00:46:26 +0000 Nobody likes cleaning the toilet. It’s messy and time-consuming, which is why it tends to get put off. If you dread being assigned to bathroom duty, it can pay to pick up a few simple cleaning tricks. In addition to removing the mold and grime you can see, it’s important to deal with the buildup you can’t. Start by scrubbing out the bowl itself, then take a few extra minutes to address other potential problem areas like the siphon jets and tank that can taint a clean toilet prematurely.

1. Scrubbing the Toilet Bowl

Use a multi-surface chemical cleaner.

For best results, choose a cleaner that promises to both disinfect and cut through difficult stains on ceramic surfaces, such as mildew and hard water deposits. Spray or sprinkle the toilet bowl cleaner liberally around the interior of the bowl. Focus on areas with especially heavy staining or mold buildup.You also have the option of treating your toilet with a homemade cleaner made from a combination of ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, borax or hydrogen peroxide.

Switch on the overhead fan in the bathroom to keep it well-ventilated and whisk away overpowering fumes.

Allow the cleaning solution to sit for 5-10 minutes.

After a few minutes, the cleaner will begin to dissolve stuck-on gunk that won’t come off with a simple brushing.

It may be necessary for the cleaner to sit on especially heavy or stubborn stains for an hour or longer, or even overnight.

To deal with residue that’s higher up on the sides of the bowl, douse the spot with cleaner, then cover it with a paper towel to hold it in place.

Scrub the inside of the bowl thoroughly.

Use a stiff-bristled nylon toilet brush or long-handled scrubber to go over the walls and bottom of the bowl. With a little elbow grease, the stains should come out with ease, leaving behind a polished, sparkling surface.

Scrubbing in tight circles will release more grime than using a back-and-forth motion.

If you need something a little more heavy-duty to scour unsightly toilet rings with, try a disposable sanding block or pumice stone. Both materials should be perfectly safe on porcelain.

Flush the toilet to rinse it clean.

When you’re finished scrubbing, flush the toilet a couple times to run fresh water through the toilet. This will help whisk away any loose debris or dingy water left behind as a result of cleaning. Afterwards, the bowl should be sparkle like new.

Deep-clean the toilets in your home roughly once a week, or more frequently if they receive a lot of use.

2. Clearing Out the Siphon Jets

Turn off the water to your toilet.

In order to successfully clean the siphon jets around the inner rim of the bowl, you’ll need to make sure they’re not emitting water. Locate the small water shutoff valve on the wall near the base of the toilet. Rotate this valve clockwise to stop the flow of water to the tank, then flush the toilet to drain it. You’ll now be able to clean the toilet bowl unobstructed.

To ensure that the water is completely off, keep turning the handle of the valve until it won’t go any farther.

Find a time to unclog your toilet’s siphon jets late at night or during another time when shutting off the water won’t be an inconvenience.

Place duct tape around the rim of the toilet bowl.

You’ll be able to find the siphon jets just underneath the toilet’s inner lip. Work your way around the bowl, covering each of the jets with strips of tape. Smooth the tape down with one hand to make sure it will hold.[7]Dab the rim of the bowl dry with a clean towel to help the duct tape stick.

You may have use several pieces of tape in order to cover every jet.

Fill the toilet tank with vinegar.

Lift the lid off the tank and set it aside carefully. Add roughly a gallon of pure distilled white vinegar to the empty tank. Replace the lid and let the vinegar sit for 10-20 minutes.

Flush the toilet.

As you flush, the vinegar will flow from the tank down into the bowl as usual. Because of the tape, however, it won’t have anywhere to go, and will instead become trapped in the jets. There, it will break down accumulated grime and mineral deposits that prevent the toilet from flushing at full power.

Remove the tape and scrub the jets.

After several hours, you can peel off the tape and observe the effects of the vinegar. Chances are, it will have erased most of the gunk clogging the siphon jets. Run a stiff-bristled brush over the outside of the jets to rid them of any lingering residue, then refill and flush the toilet a few times to rinse it.

3. Maintaining a Clean Toilet Bowl

Clean your toilet regularly.

The best way to keep your toilet bowl clean is to not let it get out of hand in the first place. Get in the habit of swirling the walls of the bowl with a toilet brush once or twice a day after every few uses, using a squirt of toilet bowl cleaner or a misting with a spray bottle of vinegar as needed. This will cut down significantly on the need for more frequent cleanings.

Pour some toilet cleaner into the tank.

Most people are already familiar with this simple trick, but it’s one that goes a long way in minimizing the amount of attention your toilet bowl needs. Following a routine cleaning, add a few ounces of liquid toilet cleaner to the tank. The cleaner will run into the bowl with each flush, killing bacteria and eliminating residue even after repeated uses.

It won’t make a difference how often you scrub your toilet if you’re doing it with a dirty brush. To revitalize a toilet brush that has seen better days, fill the brush holder with a mixture of all-purpose cleaner and water. That way, it you’ll be able to effortlessly sanitize it between uses.

3 Mistakes when designing bathrooms that people often make Sat, 23 Apr 2022 00:11:15 +0000 You will be surprised to know that the bathroom is the room in which people make more design mistakes than any other in the house. It can be incredibly difficult to get the right mix of functional and attractive.

It doesn’t matter whether your bathroom is big or small, it should always be extensively thought out before you attempt any kind of redecorating or remodelling.

No View

No one likes a bathroom that is dark, dingy and unwelcoming. If the room is uninviting, you won’t want to spend any more time in there than necessary.

If it is possible to do so, try adding a window or two to your bathroom. You don’t want to be in clear view of everyone outside, but you do want natural light to be able to get in. It will give your room some fresh air, and make it seem a lot larger.

If this isn’t possible, then install an operable skylight – you will get the same natural light effect.

The view in the toilet

A lot of people make the mistake of having their toilet be the first thing that is seen when walking into the bathroom.

If you have a big enough bathroom, we suggest putting the toilet out of the sight line of anyone who may be looking into the bathroom. For those of us with smaller bathrooms, you can try and distract from the toilet with eye-catching colours and bright coloured accessories.

Some people prefer to have their toilet in a completely different room, so that it can be used whilst someone else is using the shower or bath. If possible, this is a very good idea.

No Storage

We have seen far too many bathrooms that have little to no storage. This can leave the bathroom looking messy, and make it seem a lot smaller too.

It’s easy for our collection of toiletries to start taking over all the space visible, which is why it’s a good idea to invest in some stylish storage space.

A mirrored cabinet with space inside is a perfect way to hide away your shampoo and conditioner, or keep your toothpaste and toothbrushes out of view.
