fatheranddaughter – Just Me Talking https://justmetalking.com Make Your Day Wed, 19 Feb 2025 03:36:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://justmetalking.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png fatheranddaughter – Just Me Talking https://justmetalking.com 32 32 231211893 A Father Dinner With His Daughter https://justmetalking.com/a-father-dinner-with-his-daughter/ Thu, 25 Jan 2024 07:46:54 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=66199 A young dad takes his daughter to diner, and the waitress passed him a note.

A single dad who loved his six-year-old daughter, decided to take her out to dinner at a restaurant one evening.

The man had chosen a special occasion: Saint Valentine’s Day. A cute date for father and daughter, in the midst of lost of couples.

The man was so happy to spend time with his daughter, that he didn’t realize they were being watched.

He only realized this at the end of the meal, when the waitress gave him a note which read:

“My husband and I saw you dining with your little girl and we were blown away. You are an exceptional dad! We are a couple who both grew up without a father’s presence. And we know how important it is to have a male role model when you’re young.”

The note concluded with the words: “Keep doing what you’re doing. We’ll pay your bill tonight!”

The man was speechless with emotion.

He had never expected such kind and selfless gesture on the part of two strangers.

When he got home, he decided to photograph the note and publicize it online with the words: “Not a word of a lie, I cried at dinner. Thanks, from the heart to these two strangers I met by chance.”

Many people had complimented him for the good job he was doing.

And for being so attentive to his daughter.

Because his behavior would determine his daughter future choices.

This episode really happened, and remind us of something important:

The most beautiful gift a parent can give their child is to spend time with them.

Material things will be forgotten sooner or later, but times spent together become special memories…That your children can carry with them their whole lives.

In a world in which everyone is good at pointing the finger at other.

This episode teaches us that there is still love and kindness in the world.

The couple in the restaurant witnessed this sweet and loving scene. So they decided to do something to show their admiration.

A small gesture…which gave rise to a beautiful emotion.

Father’s Gift – Moral Story https://justmetalking.com/fathers-gift-moral-story/ Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:08:47 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=64841 One day a little girl asked her daddy,

“What are you going to get me for my 15th birthday?”

Her father replied, “There is still time until then my sweetie.”

Time passed, and just before her 15th birthday, she fainted and was rushed to the hospital.

The doctor came out and told her dad that she had a bad heart and that she was probably going to d .ie. When she was lying in the hospital bed, she said softly,

“Daddy….. have they told you that I am going to d .ie?”

The father replied, “No, you are going to live.”

She asked, “How can you be so sure daddy?”

He said, “Because I know….”

A short time later she turned 15. After she was released from the hospital and recovering , she came home to find a letter on her bed, which read……..

“My dearest daughter, if you are reading this letter, it means that everything went well, just as I told you it would. A few years ago you asked me what I was going to give you for your 15th birthday. I didn’t know then. But my present to you was………..

