grow aloe vera – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:27:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 grow aloe vera – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 How to grow aloe vera and have a wonderful plant at hand Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:27:15 +0000 How to grow aloe vera and have a wonderful plant at hand

Aloe vera is a beautiful plant to look at but above all rich in properties. Its gel is soothing and refreshing, a true ally not only for beauty but also for well-being. In order to take advantage of all its benefits, it is better to always have it on hand, rather than buying creams and ointments. Let’s see how to grow aloe vera at home .

Aloe vera: things to know

Aloe vera is easy to grow but you need to pay attention to a series of fundamental aspects.

It’s native to Africa, needs lots of direct light and a hot, dry climate. It prefers temperatures between 18 and 30 degrees, therefore in winter it is better to place it in sheltered places. This is because the water in the leaves would freeze and the plant would undergo a thermal shock, causing its immediate death.

Aloe vera should be in the ground, but it is also fine in a very large pot, in which place a layer of gravel of at least 2 or 3 centimeters to allow excess water to be absorbed and not run the risk of rotting. the roots.

It doesn’t need to be watered often, in fact once every 15 days is enough, because if on the one hand it doesn’t fear drought, on the other it could rot due to too much water and stagnation.

Aloe vera gel

Before using the aloe vera gel from your plant, it is good to know that to extract it, the plant must be at least 3 years old.

To obtain it, all you have to do is cut a leaf from the bottom and then engrave it along the outline. Cut it in one point and let the gel come out, or cut the leaf in two to take out all the contents with a spoon. The gel can then be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar for about two weeks.

8 ways to use aloe vera gel

The gel contains aloin, a substance with laxative effects.

By taking the gel, it is possible that there is a yellowish part, which must be eliminated if we want to drink the aloe juice. On the contrary, there is no need.

Below we show you the 8 ways to best use aloe vera gel.

  • Hair pack: applied before shampooing, it must be left to act for 15-30 minutes before rinsing so as to obtain soft and silky hair. Furthermore, the product can be a valid natural substitute for gel;
  • Face cream: hydrating and light, Aloe Vera can be used in summer as a substitute for face and body cream;
  • Anti-burn cream: suitable for relieving burns, Aloe must be applied to skin reddened by the sun and in a few minutes there will be a refreshing and well-being sensation;
  • Cream against pimples: the gel is an ideal anti-inflammatory and healing product if you have acne or small pimples. The transparent consistency allows it to be applied at any time of the day without it being visible;
  • Anti-dandruff mask: the unsightly problem can cause embarrassment, but with Aloe it can be easily solved. Just sprinkle the scalp with a spoonful of product, massage it while it is applied and after leaving it to act for about 30 minutes you can proceed with the shampoo;
  • Gum anti-inflammatory: the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of the gel are the effective remedy against gum inflammation, simply apply and massage the product on the affected area. Aloe can also be used as a natural mouthwash. All we have to do is dilute a spoonful of gel in a glass of water and add a pinch of bicarbonate to have a 100% natural product;
  • Anti-mosquitoes: the itching and redness derived from mosquito bites can be annoying, but to reduce the effects we can apply the completely natural gel on the affected part;
  • Disinfectant: sanitizing your hands is often important, to do it with a green product, we can use Aloe Vera gel. If we want to have a scented product, we can add a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil.