habits – Just Me Talking https://justmetalking.com Make Your Day Thu, 10 Jun 2021 05:10:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://justmetalking.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png habits – Just Me Talking https://justmetalking.com 32 32 231211893 9 Things You’re Making Dirtier By Cleaning Them https://justmetalking.com/9-things-youre-making-dirtier-by-cleaning-them/ Thu, 10 Jun 2021 05:10:22 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=7200

You’re cleaning your windows with newspapers

You may have heard that cleaning your windows with newspapers gives you a better clean than using other methods because they won’t leave your windows looking streaky. But streakiness isn’t the only thing to consider when it comes to evaluating whether your windows are actually clean. “Newspapers have ink and contain other abrasive chemicals that cause more grime,” Merin Jay, a window cleaning expert at Top Window Cleaners, told INSIDER. “Great substitute is cleaning with a professional squeegee and microfiber towel.”

You’re cleaning your floors before you’re cleaning anything else.

Starting with your floors instead of finishing up by cleaning your floors is another mistake that can result in your home being dirtier than you might think. “That’s working backward,” Jennifer Rodriguez, chief hygiene officer at Pro Housekeepers, told INSIDER. “Dust and dirt will get on the floor and you’ll have to clean them again! Start with surfaces!”

That way you won’t have to clean things twice.

You’re using one cloth or sponge for multiple rooms in your house

If you’re using the same cloth or sponge for every space in your house, you might be leaving things dirtier than you would have liked. Rodriguez said that using the same cloths can result in spreading germs, dust, dirt, and other grime all over the house.

“Clean one area and wash or use a new cloth,” Rodriguez advised.

You’re not washing your sink

Washing your sink is very important, but all too often, people don’t think about the necessity to clean a sink, focusing on their dirty dishes in the sink instead. “Once done washing dishes, you should wash your sink with liquid dishwashing soap,” Rodriguez said. “Pay special attention to the strainer which tends to build up a blackish/greyish mud-like material filled with the nastiest germs!”

Ensuring that your dishes and countertops are clean is important, of course, but you shouldn’t overlook or underestimate the importance of getting your sink clean as well.

You’re dusting everything with a dry rag or dust cloth

Dusting and wiping everything down with a dry rag or dust cloth might not actually have as much of an impact as you’d think. “Wiping surfaces with a dry rag will only transfer dust and dirt from one surface to another,” Lily Cameron, a cleaning expert at Fantastic Services, told INSIDER. “Using a dry rag on delicate surfaces may even cause scratches. To avoid all of this, consider using a microfiber cloth or a soft duster. They will both catch and hold dust and dirt particles instead of just moving them around.”

You’re scrubbing the carpet to get any stains or spills out

Stains or spills on your carpeting can be anxiety-producing, but scrubbing too much isn’t actually doing you any favors, contrary to what you might have thought.

“Scrubbing the carpet will untwist the fibers and damage the pile, thus set the stain even deeper into the fibers,” Cameron said. “Instead of scrubbing, blot the stain by pressing down with the heel of your hand. Blot the surface using dry towels until as much of the liquid as possible is absorbed. For heavier spills, consider using a wet-dry vacuum (not a normal vacuum cleaner!) cleaner before blotting the carpet.”

You’re spraying cleaners directly onto surfaces that you’re cleaning

You may not think that it matters if you spray cleaners on the surfaces that you’re cleaning or the materials you’re using to do the actual cleaning, it actually might have more of an impact on how clean your home’s surfaces end up being. “Spraying furniture and surfaces directly can create an oily build-up that will attract even more dust,” Cameron said. “Once dust builds up, it may be harder for you to remove it. Evade this by spraying the solution on a cloth and then wipe the surface.”

You’re using dish towels to clean your hands, dishes, and counter tops.

If you’re using the same dish towels to clean your hands, dry dishes, and wipe down counter tops, you’re likely just spreading germs and messes around instead of truly cleaning things up.”The dish towel picks up crumbs, grease, food, and whatever else (germs, anyone?) is on the counter, and it stays there just waiting for you to wipe your hands or dry dishes or cookware,” Mary Gagliardi, a cleaning expert at Clorox, told INSIDER. “Think your cookware is clean? Not if you wipe it dry with a towel that’s not really clean!”

Keep your towels separate for each use so that you can be sure that they’re actually clean. And don’t forget to swap them out and wash them regularly. “Let the used towels air dry before adding them to your laundry basket where they can wait for laundry day,” Gagliardi said.

You’re using a mop to clean your floors

Using mops to clean your floors might sound like a good idea, but in some cases, they can just make your floors dirtier than if you hadn’t mopped them. “In addition to leaving it behind, the mop simply moves the dirt around the floor, relocating it but not picking it up,” Robert Moeller, the vice president of Anvid Products, told INSIDER.

Make sure you’re doing your research about what you need to clean your particular floors and make sure that you also know the right process to follow in order to be most effective

source: insider.com












5 Small Daily Habits That Can Make Your Body At Risk https://justmetalking.com/5-small-daily-habits-that-can-make-your-body-at-risk/ Thu, 10 Jun 2021 00:23:32 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=7209 Do you love taking a long, hot shower every day? Or do you abide by the old “five-second rule” in the kitchen? If you answer yes to any of those, read on, because here are just a few bad habits you’re doing that you likely didn’t realize were all that bad, according to the latest science. Let’s check them out!

1. You’re Taking Long Naps

The European Society of Cardiology recently analyzed over 20 prior relevant studies encompassing more than 300,000 people and found that naps lasting over an hour are linked to a 30% higher risk of all-cause death and a 34% higher chance of cardiovascular disease in comparison to people who don’t nap at all.

However, that same study also reported a short 30-45 minute nap can be beneficial to heart health, especially if one isn’t getting enough sleep at night (who is these days?). So, if you’re a daily napper do your best to limit those daytime respites to less than a full hour.

2. You’re Using Dirty Earbuds

Our favorite tunes make exercise easier, long commutes faster, and any chore just a little more bearable. The same goes for podcasts. An audio addiction is about as healthy a habit as they come, but don’t forget to clean your earbuds. According to the Whittier Hospital Medical Center, an unkempt pair of earbuds is almost guaranteed to be hosting a smorgasbord of dirt and bacteria. When all of those entities make contact with the ears it can lead to rashes, infections, and allergic reactions.

We’ve all become more familiar with keeping various surfaces and objects clean in the wake of COVID-19. Taking a few seconds to wipe down your earbuds with a cleaning solution or a damp cloth can go a long way toward sparing yourself with ear problems.

3. You’re Taking Long Showers

Hopping into a nice warm shower can be very relaxing, but spending too much time under the water every day is going to end up doing more harm than good for your skin. Nobody wants to smell, but, at the same time, it isn’t healthy to totally strip your skin of its essential oils. If you’re finding yourself in the shower every day for 20 plus minutes, chances are you can cut that time down a bit to a healthier 5-15 minutes.

“The purpose of showering is to hydrate and cleanse the skin, but warm or hot showering for prolonged periods strips away natural oils of the skin and opens up our pores, and allows moisture to escape,” board-certified dermatologist Edidiong Kaminska, MD, told Healthline.

4. You’re Following the “Five-Second” Rule

It happens to everyone, and most people do it without even thinking about it. The meal or snack you had been dreaming of all day slips out of your hands or off the table and lands on the floor. But, you’re still starving. The food is okay to eat as long as you pick it up within about five seconds right? Wrong, according to research published in Applied and Environmental Biology.

Despite the prevalence and popularity of the “five-second rule,” researchers from Rutgers University say bacteria can transfer from the floor to food instantly. “The five-second rule is a significant oversimplification of what actually happens when bacteria transfer from a surface to food,” Donald Schaffner, a food scientist at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, told Rutgers Today. “Bacteria can contaminate instantaneously.”

To be clear, the longer food stays on the ground the more likely it is that it acquired some “guests,” so while the five-second rule isn’t completely inaccurate, it also isn’t guaranteed to protect you from a potential foodborne illness.

5. You’re Slouching

Slouching isn’t really all that big of a deal, especially if you exercise and get up from your desk every now and then, right? Well, wrong. “Slouching increases abdominal pressure, which puts pressure on the bladder. The position also decreases the ability of the pelvic floor muscles to hold against that pressure,” comments Meghan Markowski, a physical therapist at the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

15 Everyday Habits That Make You Look Older Than You Are https://justmetalking.com/15-everyday-habits-that-make-you-look-older-than-you-are/ Mon, 24 May 2021 22:34:07 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=5152 Nobody wants to look older than they actually are. Yet we’re probably still doing little things that can make us look older. Look over the list of 15 habits that can prematurely age you here. Consider what things you may want to change to keep from adding more wrinkles to your skin.

1. Night owl

Even for the young, skipping sleep isn’t healthy. Skipping sleep will add to the dark circles and bags under your eyes, making you look even older.

2. Bitterness

Holding onto old hurts never damages the person who wronged you, but it will harm you. According to experts, the bitterness that grows from not forgiving past wrongs increases your cortisol output, which decreases your sleep – resulting in bags and circles.

3. Stressing Out

Stress takes its toll on the body, increasing your blood pressure and reducing your brain function. Prevention recommends finding ways to manage your stress so you don’t feel old before your time.

4. Eating Sugar Over

Dessert used to be a luxury, but today, people want to eat it all the time. Some researches show that too much sugar creates problems as you get older. It can cause diabetes, acne, and wrinkles. You may want to consider passing on the dessert on occasion.

5. No fat Diet

The no-fat/low-fat fad is another premature ager. The issue is that you may be forgetting your body needs good omega-3 fats and monosaturated fats. Prevention says to be sure to take in the healthy fats even as you cut the unhealthy ones.

6. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Although a glass of red wine is supposed to be good for your heart, too much alcohol can be bad for your overall health. If you don’t want to prematurely age yourself, men should limit themselves to one to two drinks a day, and ladies to one drink a day.

7. Smoking

With all the warnings that are put out today, people are aware of the dangers of smoking. It makes your skin look older; affects your voice, teeth, and nails; and causes premature death. If you are a smoker, the sooner you quit, the longer your life expectancy will be.

8. Avoiding Exercise

If you’re skipping the gym on a regular basis, you’re doing yourself a serious disservice on the aging front. Exercising on a regular basis not only boosts circulation, making your skin look more healthy and youthful, increasing your muscle tone also helps prevent skin from sagging.

9. Drinking Coffee On A Regular

A little coffee may help you start your day with some extra energy, but overdoing it can easily age you. The combination of coffee’s dehydrating effect plus its tendency to stain teeth can both take a serious toll on your looks, making you look years older than you actually are.

10. Not Smiling

That permanent scowl you’ve been wearing is doing more than just making other people avoid you: it’s making you look older, too. In fact, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin found that study participants judged individuals shown smiling to be younger than their actual age,

11. Use iPods With Loud Volume

Loud noises will eventually cause hearing loss. In this technological age, people love to wear headphones with their iPods and MP3s. To keep from being the old granny that says, “Eh? What’s that, Sonny?” Prevention recommends keeping the volume as low as possible on your devices and saving your hearing.

12. Not Standing Up Straight

Photo: The Irish News

That minor slouch now could be a major giveaway about your age. Poor posture can make you look significantly older—as well as heavier than you actually are—so if you want to shave a few years off your appearance, it’s time to straighten up.

13. Sitting

Sitting is the silent killer. According to ABC NEWS, unless you want to add 10 to 13 years to your life, make a point to get up and move around regularly. Don’t be satisfied with sitting all day at work and all night when you get home.

14. Tanning

Another no-no is sitting out to tan. Everyone knows that tanning is bad for the skin and makes you look old prematurely. You faithfully put on your makeup or face lotion with sunscreen in it. The question is how well you take care of the rest of your body. Don’t forget that your arms and hands see just as much, or more, sun than your face.

15. Spending Too Much Time Staring At Screens

Those hours spent staring at your phone or computer are making you look more than a little worse for wear. In addition to the squinting and neck-craning that often accompanies our screen habits—both of which can promote wrinkles. Scientists have found that the blue light emitted from screens can actually cause skin pigmentation that makes us look older, too.

You don’t have to just give up and accept that wrinkles are a part of life. Check over what you’re doing and see what changes need to be made. A few little adjustments may add years to your life.

12 Germ-Spreading Habits That You Need To Change Today https://justmetalking.com/12-germ-spreading-habits-that-you-need-to-change-today/ Sat, 24 Apr 2021 04:50:59 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=1679 There are some filthy habits that we follow without even realizing it. Here is a list of 12 such habits that you need to give up now.

1. Take Your Phone To The Toilet

gram speading habits
Photo: Getty Images

In your bathroom, there are pathogens such as E. coli, salmonella, C. difficile, norovirus… These could get deposited onto your phone. Even if you wash your hands before leaving the bathroom, that bacteria is still stuck on your screen.

So that, leave your phone behind the next time you make a trip to the restroom.

2. Using bar soap

Germ-Spreading Habits
Photo: Shutterstock

Sure, soap cleans hands, but bars are actually breeding grounds for germs when they’re used by multiple people. Opt for liquid soap formulas instead.

3. Sharing Hand Towels

Germ-Spreading Habits
Photo: Shutterstock

Sharing is caring-except when it comes to germs. Do your family a favor and give every member of the household his or her very own hand towel for the bathroom. Launder the towels at least once a week—or more, if you have small kids-to prevent bacteria buildup in the fabric.

4. Not Washing Hands Long Enough

Photo: Shutterstock

The optimal amount of time you should spend washing your hands (with warm water and soap) to get them squeaky-clean is 20 to 30 seconds. That’s about how long it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Yes, really.

5. Drying Hands With The Air Dryer

Photo: Shutterstock

Using a public restroom? You may want to skip the air dryer to dry your hands. Here’s why: A study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology found that they can disperse bacteria throughout the room, including onto just-washed hands.

Your best bet when in public? Use paper towels (and use them to open many doors to avoid picking up germs on your way out). If there are no paper towels, just shake your hands dry.

6. Not Shutting The Toilet Lit While Flushing

germ habits
Photo: Shutterstock

According to the American Journal of Infection Control, when you flush, the contents of the toilet (water and germs) get tossed around in the air. Not closing the toilet lid, can contaminate your hands, bathroom surfaces, and objects kept nearby like toothbrushes and shampoo bottles with bacteria.

7. Chewing On Pens

Photo: Shutterstock

Though it might sound like a common habit among kids, it is not the case with kids alone. Many of us, even as adults chew on pens, sometimes even when the pen doesn’t belong to us. Eww, gross. Stop this habit right away.

8. Using Your Mouth To Open Things

Photo: Shutterstock

How many of you open the everyday milk pack with your teeth? It may seem convenient but it’s absolutely unhygienic. If we take the example of a milk pack, imagine the number of people who touch it, the surfaces it is kept on before it reaches you. Keep a scissor in your kitchen and use it for opening things.

9. Blowing Out Birthday Candles

Photo: Shutterstock

When you blow out candles, you release bacteria that’s been inside your mouth. And guess where it goes? Toward the target of that air: the surface of the cake. While there’s a slim chance of actually getting sick from these germs, it’s still a little icky.

A study showed that blowing out candles causes the number of bacteria on the surface of a cake to increase by 1,400 percent.

10. Eating At Your Desk

Photo: Shutterstock

Your computer keyboard is most likely home to some serious germs unless you clean it regularly. If you eat your food on the same surface as your keyboard, you run the risk of ingesting those germs, which are definitely not on the menu!

Not paying much attention to it, we all put our bags and purses on the floor many times. Doing this takes a lot of bacteria home along with your bag’s exterior. Do not keep your bag on the floor and disinfect it.

11. Using A Kitchen Sponge For Too Long

If you use your kitchen sponge for not just cleaning utensils but cleaning the microwave spills and more, you need to change your kitchen sponge once a week. The frequency can be increased or decreased depending on the usage.

12. Putting Your Purse On The Floor

Photo: Purse Blog

Not paying much attention to it, we all put our bags and purses on the floor many times. Doing this takes a lot of bacteria home along with your bag’s exterior. Do not keep your bag on the floor and disinfect it. Not paying much attention to it, we all put our bags and purses on the floor many times. Doing this takes a lot of bacteria home along with your bag’s exterior. Do not keep your bag on the floor and disinfect it.
