health – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:50:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 7 Exercises to Reduce Spider and Varicose Veins… Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:50:31 +0000 If you’re suffering from spider or varicose veins, your doctor probably told you to exercise regularly. Although working out helps you to stay at a healthy weight, which may relieve symptoms caused by swollen veins, some types of physical activity can be your worst enemy.

For example, weightlifting impedes blood flow between the legs and heart, causing the blood to pool and damage the veins. Even though varicose veins cannot be permanently cured without medical treatment, regular exercise can prevent the progression of this disturbing condition.

At Hiit Workout, we’ve come up with this collection of simple and effective exercises. They don’t require any special equipment and can be done almost anywhere.

1. Bicycle kicks

Bicycling stimulates the calf muscles and keeps the blood flowing in the right direction. And even if you don’t have a bike or it’s a rainy day, you can do this simple exercise in the comfort of your own home.

Lie down on your back and raise your legs in the air to make a 90-degree angle.
Slowly kick your right leg out while keeping your left leg bent.
Return your right leg to the starting position, switch, and repeat.

2. Leg lifts

This simple exercise doesn’t require any special equipment. When done regularly, it can improve blood circulation in the veins.

Lie flat on your back.
Lift one leg at a time.
Hold your leg in the air for a few seconds.
Change legs and repeat.

3. Lunges

When you do lunges, you’re exercising your leg muscles which increases the amount of blood flow to the heart. As a result, your heart works harder and it helps to keep your veins in good shape.

Stand up straight with your arms held down at your sides.
Take a big step forward with your left foot.
Begin to bend your left knee while keeping your back straight, your eyes looking forward, and your arms at your sides.
Bend your left knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle.
Hold this pose for 10 seconds and then return to a standing position.

4. Calf raises

This exercise builds the strength of your calf muscles and improves your body’s blood circulation. Calf raises don’t require much effort and can be performed even by people who haven’t worked out for a long time.

Stand up straight with your legs parallel.
Slowly raise your toes, stretching your calf muscles.
Lower your toes to the floor and raise your heels, repeating as many times as you feel comfortable.

5. Rocking

Rocking is similar to calf raises. With one additional step, this exercise can also help your balance.

Stand up straight with your heels together, toes pointed out.
Rise up on your tiptoes.
Slowly lower back down.
Rock back to your heels, toes off the ground.

6. Toe flexes

The toe flex is an easy exercise you can do when while on a break at work, traveling, or even waiting in a long line. At home, lie on the mat or on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.

Stretch out your toes forward as far as you can, then back.
Repeat this rhythmically for 20 times per leg.

7. Elevating your legs

If you’re suffering from spider or varicose veins, doctors recommend raising your legs at or above heart level when possible. It helps relieve swollen or achy legs and improves blood flow to the rest of your body.

Lie on your back on the floor or on your bed.
Raise your legs straight up in the air or prop them against the wall.
Hold this position for a few minutes and then lower your legs to the ground.

Have you tried any of these exercises? Do you know any other workouts that help to fight spider and varicose veins?


If You Sleep WITHOUT Clothes, There Is A Surprising Effect That It… Wed, 26 Feb 2025 03:00:33 +0000 If You Sleep WITHOUT Clothes, There Is A Surprising Effect That It Will Have On Your Body

Sleep is an important for our overall health and well-being. However, have you ever thought the idea of sleeping nak3d? Let’s explore why you should sleep au natural.

The Importance of Sleep

Enough sleep has been connected to a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, high bl00d pressure, and much more. Keeping a good night’s sleep will also help you control your weight.

Sleep helps to manage hormones and bl00d sugar levels. When we get enough sleep, our bodies are able to function properly without relying on extra energy stores.

On the other hand, poor sleep has been related to depression and even an increased risk of self-harm

Tips to try:

  • Schedule a specific time to go to bed each night.
  • Have a relaxing routine before going to bed, such as reading or taking a bath.
  • Maintain your room dark and cool (but not too cold).
  • Get rid of all distractions from your bedroom, including phones and computers.
  • Exercise, but not right before bed
  • Don’t eat too much before bed.

Benefits of Sleeping Nak3d

After we understand sleep’s importance, let’s discover the benefits of sleeping nak3d. Here are 9 reasons why you should consider removing your pajamas:

1. Improved Sleep Quality
As already mentioned, one major that affects sleep quality is the room’s temperature. If you are too warm, you won’t sleep well. Sleeping nak3d can help control your body temperature, support deeper and more restful sleep.

2. Skin-to-skin contact
If you sleep with a partner, then sleeping nak3d can actually benefit your relationship and your health. Skin-to-skin contact with your partner can release oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which can lessen stress and anxiety.

3. Better for Your Lady Parts

Sleeping without underwear can lessen the risk of yeast infections and other vaginal irritations for women. It allows you to “air out” your nether regions, if you will, and discourage bacteria from overgrowing.

4. Improved Sperm Quality
Wearing tight-fitting underwear can influence sperm count. For men, sleeping nak3d can help regulate testicular temperature, supporting sperm quality.

5. Better for Your Skin
Sleeping nak3d can help your skin breathe and weaken the risk of skin irritations. Also, because sleeping nak3d can actually help you to sleep better, it improves skin health and repair. Sleeping well boosts wound healing, and your skin looks fresh each day.

6. Reduced Stress and Anxiety
We’ve already mentioned that getting a good night’s sleep decreases stress and improves mental health. Sleeping naked promotes a better night’s sleep – you only have to lose the PJs!

7. Prevent Weight Gain

Sleeping nak3d keeps your body cooler and helps you sleep better, for longer. Therefor, keeping your body cooler at night helps to burn more calories while you sleep.

8. May Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes
Sleeping nak3d helps you fall asleep, stay asleep, and get higher quality sleep, again largely because of body temperature regulation.

9. Fall asleep faster
Sleeping in the nude helps to keep you cooler, which can help you fall asleep faster. When your body wants to sleep, your body lowers its temperature. Maintain yourself cooler by taking off the unnecessary layer of clothing, and you can sleep faster.


BE CAREFUL, if you get these bruises on your body, here’s what… Wed, 26 Feb 2025 02:53:10 +0000 BE CAREFUL, if you get these bruises on your body, here’s what it means…

Have you ever noticed that you bruise easily? You know what we mean. Those black and blue marks that look unsightly, and even after time turns them yellow, they aren’t any prettier. Not only do they look scary, but in some instances they can also be painful. And sometimes they’re a cause for concern because they may mean that you have an underlying medical problem, and it could be serious.

Today, we’ll explore why bruising happens, how you can prevent it, and when it might signal something more serious. And here’s a clue about one possible cause—some vitamin deficiencies might be playing a role.

What is Bruising?

Ecchymosis. That’s the medical term for bruising. It sounds as icky (that’s a non-medical term) as your bruises may look.

A bruise is what happens when small blood vessels burst underneath your skin’s surface, causing the blood to spill out from the capillaries and form a puddle just underneath the skin. Unlike cuts, where blood escapes the body, a bruise stays under the skin, changing colors as it heals—from red or blue to purple, then green or yellow, before finally disappearing.

Bruises is typically due to minor injuries—bumping into furniture, accidental impacts, or even a simple blood draw. However, some health conditions may make you more prone to bruising, even if they don’t directly cause it.

When Should You Be Concerned?

While bruises on the arms and legs are common and usually harmless, if they appear frequently, take longer than two weeks to heal, or show up in unusual places like the stomach, back of hands, ears, genitals, or buttocks, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

Vitamin Deficiencies That Can Lead to Bruising

Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen production, which helps keep blood vessels strong. A lack of this vitamin can cause fragile vessels, making bruising more common. Foods high in vitamin C—such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, and broccoli—can help. Smokers, in particular, may be at higher risk of deficiency.

Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. If you’re not getting enough, your blood may take longer to clot, leading to frequent bruises. This vitamin also helps strengthen capillary walls, reducing their likelihood of breaking.

Can a lack of Vitamin D lead to bruising?

We’ve blogged before about the some of the problems you might encounter if you’re low in some vitamins, such as vitamin D for instance. If you’re not getting enough vitamin D or some of the B vitamins, you may be making yourself more susceptible to bruising.

Other Supplements That May Increase Bruising

Some dietary supplements can thin the blood, making bruising more likely. These include:

Ginkgo, ginseng, ginger, and garlic
Omega-3 fatty acids
Vitamin E
Saw palmetto

In case you suspect your supplements are contributing to bruising, consider testing your vitamin levels and discussing possible adjustments with your doctor.

Other Causes of Frequent Bruising

Medications — If you’re on prescription blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or ibuprofen, your body might have trouble with blood clotting. In addition, steroids can make your skin more fragile and some antibiotics or antidepressants may also be the reason you’re more easily bruising.

Aging — you’ve heard of being thin-skinned? In this case, we’re not talking about having your feelings easily hurt. The fact is that as you age, your skin gets thinner as you lose the fatty layer underneath. Aging also causes your blood vessels to weaken.

Sun Damage – Years of sun exposure can weaken blood vessels, making the skin more prone to bruising.

Medical Conditions – Diabetes, blood disorders (such as hemophilia), blood cancers (like leukemia or lymphoma), and iron deficiency anemia can lead to increased bruising.

Contact Sports Injuries – Bruises, also known as contusions, are common in sports and can sometimes indicate deeper tissue damage.

How to Treat and Prevent Bruising

If you have a bruise, try the RICE method:

Rest – Avoid further strain on the area.
Ice – Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling.
Compression – Use a bandage if needed.
Elevation – Keep the affected area raised.

After some days, switch to heat therapy to help speed up healing. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen can help, but be cautious with aspirin and ibuprofen, as they may worsen bruising.

In case falls are causing bruises, try improving your home’s lighting, removing trip hazards like throw rugs, and organizing electrical cords to prevent accidents.

If bruising seems linked to supplements, get tested to determine if any adjustments are necessary. And if you have thin skin, watch for signs of skin breaking, as open wounds increase the risk of infection.

When to See a Doctor
Most bruises are likely to heal on their own. But if yours are not going away or are happening more than you’d like, asking your doctor to help your figure out what is causing the bruising makes perfect sense. For instance, if you’re bruising because of your diabetes, it’s another reminder to test your glucose levels and manage those levels as best as possible.

If, in fact, your bruises are related to serious medical conditions, you’ll want to know that so you and your doctor can figure out the next steps.

To read more about bruising, click here, here and here.
VIDEO: How do you know if you are getting to a healthy vitamin D level?

10 War:ning Signs Your Body Is Full Of Parasites And 7 Foods… Mon, 10 Feb 2025 03:36:29 +0000 10 War:ning Signs Your Body Is Full Of Parasites And 7 Foods That Can Help Remove Them…

There are many kinds of parasites that survive and many of them are so common, that you may even be unaware that some of the problems you’re experiencing could be because of parasites.

But are you one of the many who are dealing with parasites?

Top 10 Signs You May Have A Parasite:

Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or IBS symptoms
Having traveler’s diarrhea while traveling internationally
Having a history of food poisoning and are still dealing with digestive issues
Having difficulty falling asleep and you wake up often during the night
Grinding your teeth while sleeping
Having skin irritations, rashes, hives, eczema or rosacea for unexplained reasons
Having aching muscles and joints
Feeling full after your meals
Having iron-deficiency anemia
Dealing with fatigue, depression, exhaustion or apathy
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7 Herbs And Foods That Can Remove Internal Parasites Naturally

This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for information only.Best restaurants near me

1. Garlic
Garlic has shown to effectively fight against viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and canc3r. It is also useful against bl00d-sucking parasites like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Therefore, if you are suffering fro any bad stuff, eat some garlic. Just stay away from kissing afterward, okay?

2. Black Walnut Nuts & Hull

The nuts and green hulls of black walnut (Juglans nigra) has a powerful ability to cleanse your bl00d and your intestines. Black walnut hull is useful in enhancing fungal infections.

How to use it: You can buy black walnut nuts and hull as a tincture and use it directly. It is often acted as an ingredient in internal cleansing products.

3. Wormwood

Wormwood ( Artemisia absinthium) is an herb with small yellow-green flowers. Wormwood also acts strong antimicrobial properties and can be useful for other infections besides parasites.

How to use it: You can make tea out of wormwood. Just add 0.5 – 1 tsp to hot water and you have a cleansing tea ready.

4. Cloves

Clove destroys almost all parasite eggs. It is incredibly powerful when used in conjunction with black walnut and wormwood because the trio breaks the parasite’s life-cycle.

How to use it: Cloves are used to flavor many dishes and baked goods from relishes, pies, pickles, Indian dishes, teas, and cider.

5. Thyme

Thyme is one of the most wonderful herbs for stimulating the thymus, a major gland of your immune system. Thyme boosts your body’s natural defenses. Thyme oil cannot only get rid of the growth of many parasites, but it can also remove them in the intestinal tract.

How to use it: You can use thyme in practically any dish you’d like along with marjoram, rosemary, oregano, and other spices. You may also just use it dry or fresh.

6. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is incredibly powerful which can use against all kinds of problems, including parasites. It is also antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal that can reset the microbial environment in your intestines.

How to use it: You can use oregano oil as a tincture, tea, or as an essential oil. Make sure you get good quality food-grade oils from a reliable source. It is also an ingredient in many cleaning products.

7. Chinese Goldthread
Goldthread (Coptis chinensis) is nutritous herb in traditional Chinese medicine used for helping with all types of infections, including bacterial, parasitic, yeast and protozoan.

How to use it: You can make tea out of Chinese goldthread. Look for teas with it as an ingredient. You may want to visit your Asian supermarket.


Scientists Find a “Kill Switch” in the Body That Can Destroy Any Type of Cancer… Thu, 06 Feb 2025 04:26:28 +0000 In the battle against cancer, researchers are constantly looking for new strategies to fight the good fight. Recent findings from the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center have come across a promising new route in treatment options: the CD95 receptor, commonly known as Fas.1 This receptor, previously overlooked in immunotherapy, has turned out to be a potential “kill switch” capable of inducing programmed cell death in cancer cells. This breakthrough, published in the journal “Cell Death & Differentiation”, holds incredible promise for revolutionizing treatment.

Stopping Cancer Fas(t)
CD95 receptors, aptly dubbed death receptors, play a crucial role in regulating programmed cell death, or apoptosis. These receptors are found on the surface of cells and, when activated, initiate a number of molecular events that eventually lead to cell self-destruction. While important in cellular homeostasis, it is easy to see the therapeutic potential of these receptors in cancer treatment, which has been largely unexplored until now.

UC Davis associate professor Jogender Tushir-Singh and his team sought to unravel the mysteries of Fas and its implications for cancer therapy. Through experimentation and analysis, they identified a Fas receptor epitope that triggers cell death in cells.2 This discovery represents a significant milestone in cancer research, offering new avenues for therapeutic intervention.

One of the biggest challenges in cancer treatment is therapeutic resistance, which is when the cells evade or develop resistance to conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Immunotherapies, including CAR T-cell therapy, have emerged as promising alternatives but aren’t as effective against solid tumors.3 The discovery of the Fas epitope could steamroll any cell evasion through induced cell death.

What’s The Purpose Of Life
The implications of targeting Fas in cancer therapy are far-reaching. Not only does this approach offer a novel strategy for overcoming therapeutic resistance, but it also holds promise for improving the outcomes of existing immunotherapies. By harnessing the power of Fas-mediated cell death, researchers envision a future where cancer treatment is more targeted, effective, and personalized.

Hope for the Future
While this is a tremendous breakthrough, translating these findings into clinical applications poses its own set of challenges. Further research is needed to find optimal therapeutic strategies for targeting different types of cancer. Additionally, there is still rigorous preclinical testing needed and clinical trials to assess safety before we get to human patients.

The journey towards harnessing Fas requires collaborative efforts from multiple teams of researchers, clinicians, and industry partners. By pooling their expertise and resources, we should be able to see real benefits for cancer patients worldwide.

As a new era in cancer therapy begins (thanks to Fas) there is renewed hope for patients and families affected by this devastating disease. With continued dedication, innovation, and collaboration, we can alter the bleak outlook of cancer treatment into something hopeful and bring us closer to a future where this disease is no longer a life-threatening one.

“Researchers identify ‘switch’ to activate cancer cell death.” UC Davis. October 23, 2023.
“Scientists Find ‘Kill Switch’ That Activates Cancer Cell Death in The Lab.” Science Alert. Carly Cassella. November 23, 2023.
“Characterizing the regulatory Fas (CD95) epitope critical for agonist antibody targeting and CAR-T bystander function in ovarian cancer.” Nature. Tanmoy Mondal, Himanshu Gaur, Brice E. N. Wamba, Abby Grace Michalak, Camryn Stout, Matthew R. Watson, Sophia L. Aleixo, Arjun Singh, Salvatore Condello, Roland Faller, Gary Scott Leiserowitz, Sanchita Bhatnagar and Jogender Tushir-Singh. October 14, 2023.

His Whole Body Was Itchy, and He Thought It Was an Allergy… Tue, 04 Feb 2025 09:41:21 +0000 His Whole Body Was Itchy, and He Thought It Was an Allergy… He Was Diagnosed with Leukemia

Sometimes, what seems like a simple irritation can turn out to be something much more serious. Take the story of Daniel, a man who thought he was just dealing with a mild allergy, but ended up facing a life-changing diagnosis.

Daniel had been experiencing intense itching all over his body for weeks. He assumed it was just an allergic reaction, maybe to a new detergent or something he ate. His skin was red and inflamed, but he didn’t think much of it at first. He tried to treat it with over-the-counter creams and antihistamines, but nothing seemed to help.

However, when the itching persisted and other symptoms started appearing—fatigue, bruising, and frequent fevers—he decided to visit his doctor. After a series of tests and blood work, Daniel was diagnosed with leukemia, a form of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow.

It turns out that the intense itching was a sign of a rare type of leukemia called pruritus, which causes severe itching as a result of changes in the blood. It was his body’s way of signaling that something was very wrong. Thanks to his decision to seek medical attention, Daniel was able to start treatment early and is now in remission.

Moral of the Story:
This story highlights how important it is to listen to your body, especially when something doesn’t feel right. While many symptoms can be mistaken for something minor, persistent or unexplained issues should always be checked by a doctor. Early detection can make all the difference, just as it did for Daniel. Never underestimate the power of paying attention to your health—sometimes, it’s the little signs that save your life.

Understanding Lumps and Swollen Nodes: What to Do If You Notice Them on Your Neck, Back, or Near Your Ear Tue, 04 Feb 2025 09:20:48 +0000 Finding a lump or swollen node on your neck, back, or near your ear can be unsettling. Often, people assume the worst, but these lumps, commonly known as lymph nodes, are usually benign. Swollen lymph nodes can occur due to various reasons, such as infections, inflammation, or more serious underlying health conditions. Understanding the potential causes and how to address them can help alleviate concerns and guide you in seeking the right medical advice. In this article, we’ll break down what swollen lymph nodes are, when to worry, and how you can manage the symptoms.

What Are Lymph Nodes?
Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures found throughout your body that play a critical role in your immune system. They act as filters, trapping harmful substances like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. You can find them under your jaw, along your neck, behind your ears, in your armpits, and along your spine. Typically, lymph nodes are not noticeable unless they swell due to infection or other factors.

Common Causes of Swollen Nodes:

The most common reason for swollen lymph nodes is an infection. When your body fights off infections, your lymph nodes can enlarge. This may happen with viral infections like the flu or a cold, or bacterial infections like strep throat or an ear infection.

Ear Infections:

Ear infections, especially those near the ear canal or middle ear, can lead to swelling in the lymph nodes near the ear, neck, or jaw. These infections can cause pain, fever, and discomfort.
Injuries or Inflammation:

If you have had an injury or inflammation in the area near your neck, back, or ear, the lymph nodes can swell as part of your body’s natural healing process.

Allergic Reactions:

Sometimes, allergic reactions to food, medications, or environmental allergens can cause lymph nodes to swell. These reactions typically go away once the allergen is removed from your body.


In rare cases, swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of lymphoma or metastatic cancer. These are conditions where cancer cells spread to the lymph nodes from other parts of the body.

Other Medical Conditions:

Conditions like autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) can cause chronic swelling of lymph nodes.

When Should You Worry About Swollen Lymph Nodes?

While swollen lymph nodes are often harmless and go away on their own, it’s important to know when you should seek medical attention. You should consult a doctor if:

The swelling persists for more than 2-3 weeks.
The lumps are hard and not movable under the skin.
You experience fever, night sweats, unexplained weight loss, or fatigue.
The swollen nodes are painful or continue to get bigger.
You have a history of cancer or autoimmune diseases.
These symptoms may indicate a more serious condition that requires medical evaluation.

How to Treat and Manage Swollen Nodes:
Home Remedies for Mild Infections:

Warm Compress: Apply a warm compress to the swollen area to help reduce pain and promote circulation. This can be done a few times a day for 10-15 minutes.
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Non-prescription medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort.
Rest and Hydration: If the swelling is due to an infection, getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated will help your body fight off the infection more effectively.
Antibiotics or Antiviral Medications:

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This simple fingernail test could help save your life… Tue, 04 Feb 2025 08:11:40 +0000 This Simple Fingernail Test Could Help Save Your Life…Sometimes, the smallest changes in our bodies can be the most telling — and a simple test involving your fingernails could potentially save your life.

Doctors recommend a quick check of your fingernails as a way to help detect lung cancer in its early stages. To perform this simple test, press your index fingers together and look for a tiny diamond-shaped gap of light between them. If this “diamond gap” is missing, it could be a sign of finger clubbing, a condition where the tips of the fingers swell and the nails curve.

Finger clubbing can be an early sign of lung cancer, especially non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which affects about 35% of those diagnosed. It can also appear in about 4% of people with small cell lung cancer. While it’s not always cancer-related, noticing this change in your nails is worth discussing with your doctor.

Early detection of lung cancer can make a significant difference in treatment outcomes. For example, Brian Gemmell, who had no other symptoms, noticed his fingers were swelling. This led his GP to refer him for a chest X-ray. The result? Early-stage lung cancer confined to his lung.

Thanks to prompt surgical treatment, Brian avoided serious complications and has since made it his mission to share the importance of early detection. He urges everyone to listen to their bodies and seek medical advice if anything feels off — because sometimes, a simple test can make all the difference.

Moral of the Story:
Never underestimate the small signs your body gives you. Early detection can lead to better treatment options and even save lives. Pay attention, act quickly, and don’t be afraid to consult a doctor when something doesn’t feel right.

Does the inside of your ear itch? Here’s what it means and… Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:37:21 +0000 Does the inside of your ear itch? Here’s what it means and how to treat it

Have you ever had that annoying itch inside your ear that won’t go away? Itchy ears are a frequent symptom for many people, but understanding the source and how to treat it can make a huge difference. It is critical not to dismiss this seemingly little condition, as it could indicate a major health problem.

Are you curious about why your ears itch and how to get relief? This article will look into the causes of itchy ears and provide effective treatment choices.

Common Causes of Itchy Ears
1. Dry Skin:
Just like the rest of your body, the skin within your ears can dry out, causing itching. This could be caused by overcleaning or a lack of earwax.

2. Ear Infection:
Bacterial or fungal infections can irritate and itch the ear canal. These require medical intervention for optimum therapy.

3. Allergic Reaction:
Certain allergens, such as earrings, body lotions, and even hair products, might trigger an allergic reaction, resulting in irritated ears.

4. Earwax Buildup:
Although earwax is necessary to protect the ear, excessive amounts can cause itching and discomfort.

5. Eczema / Psoriasis:
Eczema and psoriasis are skin disorders that can cause itching in the ears.

Effective Treatments for Itchy Ears
1. Over-the-Counter Ear Drops:
Various ear drops are available to help soothe itching and treat mild infections. Choose one that’s suitable for your specific condition.

2. Maintain Ear Hygiene:
Regularly clean your ears with a damp cloth and avoid using cotton swabs, as they can push earwax further inside the ear.

3. Stay Hydrated:
Keeping yourself well-hydrated helps to maintain the natural moisture level in your skin, including your ears.

4. Avoid Allergens:
Identify and avoid the products that are causing an allergic reaction. Switching to hypoallergenic products can also help.

5. Consult a Doctor:
If over-the-counter solutions and preventive measures don’t work, it’s best to consult an ENT specialist for a thorough examination and treatment.

Understanding the causes of your itchy ears and following these effective treatment options will help you find relief and prevent future episodes. Pay attention to your ears; they may be telling you something about your general health.

Doctor issues urgєnt wα.rníng for popular habit that ‘doubles r!sk of hєαrt… Wed, 29 Jan 2025 16:00:46 +0000 Doctor issues urgєnt wαrníng for popular habit that ‘doubles risk of hєαrt αttαck’

A popular TV doctor, Dr Hilary Jones, has shared his tips for top heart health – and has a warn:ing for those who has popular activity which can ‘double the chance’ of a heart atta:ck.Buy vitamins and supplements

The doc said keeping our precious tickers healthy all comes down to losing those excess pounds and kicking a particular habit to the curb.

The doctor continued: “Don’t strain it [your heart] by carrying too much weight, exercise it regularly – it’s a muscle – it loves a bit of exercise.”

He also alerted against ‘clogging up your heart’ with too much cholesterol.

However, he also had a stark remind for people who rely on one harmful vice, adding: “Don’t smoke, your heart hates that.”
Senior female Asian suffering from bad pain in his chest heart attack at home – senior heart disease
Image for illustrative purpose only.
Quitting for good also enhances physical well-being and reduces the risk of smoking-related diseases such as canc3rs, lung disease, heart conditions and stokes – and can even improve mental health.

In one video, he talks about the importance of making ‘relaxation’ a priority for heart health, with scheduled down-time breaks away from the stress of everyday life.

Dr Hilary said: “Life can be pretty stressful, can’t it.

“Constant, relentless, exhausting – but too much stress is bad for our heart.”
Senior person gesturing isolated
Image for illustrative purpose only.
He suggests followers to ‘do what I do’ by putting time aside “just for yourself in your diary and chill out a bit”.

The Dr concluded: “Your heart will love you for it.”

In another, he advised ‘millions’ of people are walking around ‘right now’ with high blood pressure and don’t even know it.

While sporting a blood pressure monitor on himself, he continued: “They’re at risk of something they really don’t want, like str0ke or heart atta:ck, so get yours checked out soon.”
