kitchen – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Thu, 23 Jan 2025 05:06:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 kitchen – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 Natural Methods to Keep Insects Away from Your Kitchen Thu, 01 Feb 2024 07:31:50 +0000 Natural Methods to Keep Insects Away from Your Kitchen

Dealing with pesky insects like flies and mosquitoes can be a real challenge. These unwelcome guests invade our homes, causing annoyance and sometimes even posing health risks. While there are countless insect repellents available in the market, they often contain harmful chemicals and additives. Thankfully, there are natural alternatives that are both eco-friendly and safe for your health.

Understanding the Invaders

In order to effectively keep insects away, it’s important to understand what attracts them to our homes. Mosquitoes and flies are drawn to light, food, and certain environmental conditions. They lay eggs in various places, making it essential to tackle these issues before they become a full-blown infestation. Surprisingly, insects are not attracted to breadcrumbs or minor food scraps, but they have a keen interest in sweets, sugar, and fermented substances.

Taking a Proactive Approach

Preventing insect invasions starts with maintaining a clean home. Eliminating food waste, properly sealing food packages, and keeping your surroundings tidy can go a long way in deterring these unwelcome guests. When it comes to mosquitoes, using natural repellents is often the best choice as it is safe for both you and the environment, without breaking the bank.

Homemade Repellents: A Natural Solution

Creating your own insect repellent using simple, budget-friendly ingredients is a great way to keep insects at bay. By using a combination of smells and tastes that insects find unappealing, you can discourage them from entering your kitchen and other parts of your home.

Crafting a Natural Insect Repellent

One effective natural insect repellent can be made using rice vinegar. This repellent works year-round and is easy to make. Follow these simple steps:

  • Take a plastic bottle and cut off the top, creating a funnel-like shape.
  • Add a cup of dishwashing liquid to the bottle and mix it thoroughly until the mixture is uniform. The pleasant aroma for us humans is highly displeasing to insects. Alternatively, you can use white wine vinegar, which is known for its sharp and tangy odor.
  • Place the bottle in your kitchen or any area prone to insect activity. The repellent will work its magic, ensuring that flies and mosquitoes never bother you again.

Safety Note: Remember to store the container securely, away from the reach of children and pets, to avoid any accidents.

Give this natural solution a try and discover a future where insects no longer dare to intrude upon your peaceful home environment. It’s time to say goodbye to chemical-laden repellents and embrace a more eco-friendly approach.

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life Thu, 07 Dec 2023 03:39:30 +0000 10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Start by reducing plastic in your kitchen. It might be easier than you think. Try one or two of these kitchen plastic alternatives.

1. The Best Way to Replace Plastic Wrap & Baggies

Finding a replacement for plastic wrap and plastic baggies may seem impossible. But, there really is a way to replace this type of plastic in your kitchen. You’ve probably tried covering a bowl by putting a plate on top or maybe you’ve placed a melon face down on a dish to try to keep it fresh.

You can also store food in reusable containers.

2. Ditch Plastic Storage Containers – Glass is Best

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Throw those plastic containers in the recycling bin and opt for glass storage containers. You’ll wonder why you ever used plastic.

Glass containers are easier to clean (say goodbye to residue and scratches) and it’s easier to see what’s inside (no more surprises). Storing food in glass and not plastic is much healthier for you and the environment.

Plus, if you microwave food, it’s always safer to microwave in a glass covered with a towel than to use plastic. When you heat plastic, it can cause toxins to leach into your food.

3. Opt for Stainless or Glass Water Bottles Rather than Plastic

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Those plastic water bottles sure seemed convenient and smart when you bought them. Now, not so much. You’ve got great options to replace the plastic by either using glass or stainless bottles.

4. Plastic Cups, Plates & Plastic Ware – You’ve Got Good Alternatives

You can buy inexpensive plates, glasses, and silverware that can be used for years. After a few uses, your glass and silverware will have paid for themselves.

Not only is this cost-effective, but it also keeps plastic out of the landfill, reduces pollution from plastic production and your guests will appreciate having “real” plates and glasses.

5. Banish Plastic Cooking Utensils

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

What to use instead of plastic?

Wood spoons and spatulas work great and you won’t have to worry about plastic toxins leaching into your food. Stainless whisks, ladles, serving spoons, and spatulas are perfect and clean up easily. Plus, neither wood nor metal will melt if it gets too hot.

Toss your plastic cooking utensils into the recycling bin for better health

6. Opt for Wood or Glass Cutting Boards, Not Plastic

Woodcutting boards are great options to replace plastic. Think about how gnarly your plastic cutting boards look after a few months of slicing and dicing.

What you may not know is when plastic gets scored, it can release toxins into your food.

Wood holds up much better and is healthier. You can easily sanitize your wood boards by rubbing the surface with a lemon slice. You may also like to use glass cutting boards because you can pop them in the dishwasher

7. What to do about Plastic Grocery Store Produce Bags – You’ve Got Options

Every trip to the grocery store ends up using a plastic produce bag for each item. It’s easy to pick up 5-10 at each visit–that’s a lot of plastic waste over time. You may have tried not using the bags, but having produce grouped in a bag just makes things easier.

So, what are your options?

Try these reusable produce bags that will change your life. You can see through the bags, so there’s no mystery about the contents. And, they have a convenient drawstring. The fabric is machine washable and durable. Plus, the fabric has been tested to make sure that it is free of harmful chemicals (no lead, heavy metals, BPA, or phthalates).

You can store your products in these bags, and they store easily in your larger reusable grocery bags.

8. Steer Clear of Plastic Straws (If You’re Able)

Metal and paper straws make good alternatives to plastic straws for those who need to use straws and are able to make the change, World Wildlife Fund says. But if you’re able to skip the straw altogether, even better.

9. Drink Your Coffee From a Reusable Cup

Over 500 billion single-use coffee cups are thrown away each year around the world. These cups range from full plastic cups to plastic-lined paper cups topped with plastic lids. Often, these cups end up in landfills where they take years to breakdown.

10. Compost Food Waste

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Much of the food that gets thrown away could be recycled or composted, which would save space in landfills. Composting food waste has saves money, resources, and improves soil quality, according to the EPA. Cardboard, paper, and just about any food scraps, including meat and fish, can be composted. Diverting waste that people tend to send to the landfill can also help with cutting back on plastic trash bags — which could have a major impact considering Americans used more than 300 million of them in 2018.

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5 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About Fri, 17 Nov 2023 07:20:00 +0000 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About


5 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About

If you roll while applying a bit of pressure to your citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges, etc.), you will get so much more of that yummy juice.


5 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About

Here is a trick using 2 sturdy plastic lids to cut them quickly! Make sure you are using a large, sharp knife. Or you can also use two plates.


5 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About

If you need to brown or crisp something on all sides in the oven — like meat or vegetables — cook it on an elevated rack set on top of a sheet tray.

“This can be more efficient than flipping things halfway through. The rack allows heat to reach all sides. All sides will brown evenly without the bottom side getting soupy.”

4. To easily clean a stubborn cast iron pan, just fry the stuff on the bottom. It’ll pop right off.

clean a stubborn cast iron pan
clean a stubborn cast iron pan

“Anything that doesn’t pop off with hot oil, add some kosher salt and scrape again. Perfectly cleaned cast iron, every time. I spent years overthinking this and having crusty pans. Also, always use a wooden spoon because why would you ever use a metal instrument on ANY pan you care about, you monster?”

5. Don’t put a lid on something that’s frying in oil.

5 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
5 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About

“If you do, the food will lose water, and the water will condense inside the lid. When you lift the lid, the water will go into the oil and splatter everywhere and create a giant mess and hazard.”

(Instead, use a mesh splatter guard — it’ll make sure oil doesn’t get everywhere while still allowing steam to escape.)

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
Empower Your Home Cleaning with Lemons- The Secret to Busy Women Tue, 31 Oct 2023 09:07:41 +0000 Home Cleaning with Lemons, with their zesty fragrance and natural acidity, are not just a kitchen staple for culinary delights but also a powerful ally in your quest for a clean and refreshing home.

From deodorizing to disinfecting, lemons have a multitude of cleaning superpowers that can transform your cleaning routine. Welcome to our guide on how to use lemons for cleaning your home, offering eco-friendly solutions for a sparkling, lemony-fresh abode.

1. Natural All-Purpose Cleaner:

– Create an all-purpose cleaning solution by mixing equal parts of water and lemon juice in a spray bottle. This natural concoction works wonders on countertops, sinks, and even stainless steel appliances.

2. Microwave Cleaner:

– Stubborn food splatters in your microwave? Place a bowl of water with lemon slices inside, then heat it for a few minutes. The steam will loosen the mess, making it easy to wipe away.

3. Cutting Board Reviver:

– Sprinkle coarse salt on a cutting board, then scrub it with half a lemon. This not only cleans but also helps to neutralize any lingering food odors.

4. Freshen Up the Fridge:

– Eliminate fridge odors by placing a halved lemon in a small bowl. The lemon absorbs odors, leaving your refrigerator smelling fresh.

5. Polish Chrome and Brass:

– Dip a cloth or sponge in lemon juice and use it to polish faucets, doorknobs, and other metal surfaces. The acidity helps remove tarnish and brings back the shine.

**Home Cleaning with Lemons- Tricks for Tackling Specific Areas:**

– Bathroom: Scrub grout with a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for a natural tile cleaner. It works wonders on soap scum and mold.

– Windows: Combine lemon juice with water in a spray bottle for streak-free window cleaning. Say goodbye to smudges and streaks.

– Garbage Disposal: Run a few lemon rinds through your garbage disposal to freshen it up and eliminate odors.

Lemons, with their natural cleaning properties and delightful aroma, are a game-changer when it comes to maintaining a clean and inviting home. By harnessing the power of lemons, you can eliminate harsh chemicals from your cleaning routine while still achieving sparkling results. Whether you’re tackling kitchen messes, bathroom grime, or general household cleaning, lemons offer a natural and eco-friendly solution.

So, the next time you’re faced with a cleaning task, reach for a lemon and put these tips and hacks to good use. Your home will not only be sparkling clean but will also exude the refreshing scent of citrus, making cleaning a more enjoyable experience. Happy cleaning! 🍋✨

10 Things You Should Never Do With Your Oven If You Want To Lose Money Tue, 17 May 2022 00:31:05 +0000 It’s probably hard for you to think about tossing a tray of frozen chicken in the oven or never cleaning the oven knobs—but we’re here to tell you why you should pay attention to what you do with your oven. oven than you think.

1.Leaves a mess for days (or months)

Your daily kitchen cleaning might focus on the dishes rather than on the oven itself, but a few tweaks will go a long way. Not only does it make months of buildup harder to clean up, but it can also lead to smoke. Failure to clean up spills after each use of the oven can quickly build up and may smoke during preheating the next time. “If you use a drip tray, don’t forget to remove it and remove grease and drips after each use.”

2. Leave messy food on the oven floor

To make those everyday spills easier to clean up, it’s a good idea to catch crumbs and splatters before they reach the bottom of your oven. An empty drip tray or cookie sheet should be placed on the bottom for easier cleaning, or just add a disposable oven liner.

3. Put in frozen food that needs to be defrosted

You might think it would save time to let frozen chicken breasts warm up in the oven before they’re completely defrosted, but unless you adjust the cooking time, you could be putting your family at risk of food poisoning. food poisoning. “If you put frozen or partially frozen food in the oven, the time will be turned off because it will need to be defrosted before cooking.” Ensure safety by letting food defrost completely before cooking.

4. Assuming the temperature is correct

Your oven measures the temperature at one point – where it’s intentionally off-limits, where your food will never fly away. Because your oven is hotter in some spots than it is in others, your food may not be cooking to the temperature you think it is. “An oven thermometer will help you make sure your oven is properly preheated and cook your food at the temperature you need it to. “It’s the best kitchen investment you’ll ever make.” This is why most recipes call for you to bake at 350°F.

5.Using the convection setting on the wrong foods

In addition to the standard grill setting, which heats the oven from one point, some models have a convection setting that uses a fan to distribute heat evenly. It doesn’t sound like much of a difference, but that circulating air makes food cook much faster, so your dish could be overcooked if you’re following a recipe. Unless a certain recipe says otherwise, stick with the grill setting. “If you’re making a single layer of cake and baking multiple layers at once, direct air circulation and heat removal is needed, so you want to choose convection baking,” she says. “This will help achieve even doneness and baking on all your layers.”

6. Leave the shelves in while self-cleaning

If the insanely high heat can remove grease and grime from your oven, leaving the racks in the self-cleaning treatment seems to make sense. But unless the manufacturer specifies that they’re designed for this feature, you’ll want to take them out. Most holders will discolor during the self-cleaning feature, and the coating that makes them easy to slide out can also be damaged. Sorry, but you’ll have to scrub them by hand instead.

7. Skip cleaning the nooks and crannies

You don’t even want to think about what’s hiding in the space between your oven and your cabinets. To help keep debris and spillage from attracting pests, wrap the butter knife with a damp towel, then rub it against the wall inside the crack. Hold the knife at an angle to prevent debris from falling to the floor, and shake debris in the sink or trash can out after each pass. When it looks clean, replace the cloth with a cloth moistened with vinegar and wipe the walls again.

8. Leave the buttons dirty

When you touch the oven knobs after handling food, you can bet you’ve left some germs behind. To make sure you’re touching every corner of the knobs, pop them off the stove before scrubbing. Cohen suggests soaking them in a bucket of warm water mixed with 1/4 cup of all-purpose cleaner to disinfect.

9. Cooking with wax paper

Wax paper and parchment may look almost the same, but that waxy substance makes a huge difference. While wax helps remove moisture, it’s not too hard on heat. Put it in a hot oven and it will melt—or worse, the paper could catch on fire.

10. Place items straight on the heating element

Your oven is hot, but not as hot as the heating element itself. While it’s rare that anything in your oven catches on fire, keeping those high-heat parts well ventilated can prevent any accidents.

8 Super cool steps to clean gas stove that not everyone knows Sat, 14 May 2022 05:47:54 +0000 If your marathon cooking sessions have your gas range looking worse for wear, it’s time to hit pause and give it a good scrub down.

No matter how neglected or greasy you think your range might be, there’s hope. With a small investment in time and a little bit of persistence, you can get your stove back in peak condition and looking as good as new.

Step 1: Before You Start, Make It Safe

The first thing you should always do before cleaning a gas appliance is to make sure that the surfaces are completely cool and the control knobs are switched to the off position. If your model is equipped with a control lock, you should definitely take advantage of it before you start cleaning. You’re going to be removing the burner guards and scrubbing your stovetop pretty vigorously, and it’s essential that the gas doesn’t come on while you’re working.

If you have an older style range with removable knobs, just make sure everything is switched to the off position and remove the knobs so you don’t accidentally bump them while you clean.

Step 2: Let the Disassembly Begin!

Your gas stove has a few basic parts that pop right off for easy cleaning: the stove grates on top, the burner caps and the burners themselves. Start by removing the stove grates, and then take a moment to wipe up any loose food particles that are hanging around. Next, pull off all of the small caps that are protecting your burners, followed by each of the burners themselves. Set all of those items to the side on a couple of dish towels close to your sink; we’re going to deal with those later on.

Step 3: Degrease the Stove Grates

Place your stove grates in the sink and give everything a thorough soaking with a non-toxic degreaser. You can also use a concentrated dish detergent if you prefer; you might just have to scrub a little more. Leave everything to soak in the degreaser for about 15-20 minutes while you turn your attention to the stove surface.

Step 4: Degrease the Stovetop

Give your stovetop a heavy spritzing of the same degreaser or liquid soap concentration and give it a few minutes to really penetrate the greasy buildup. Use your soft scouring pad to break up any bits that are burned or stuck to the surface. As you work, take a clean paper towel and routinely wipe down the stovetop and lift out all of the grease and grime. Depending on your stove’s level of buildup, you may have to repeat the process of applying degreaser and scrubbing until your paper towels start coming up clean and free of any oil or grit.

Step 5: Combat the Baked-On Stuff

You’re likely to encounter a few places where the food is cooked on to the point where a sponge just won’t cut it. Or, you might find that there are a few little gummed up corners that are difficult to reach with your hands. For the hard-to-reach stuff, try a medium-stiff nylon scrub brush or an old toothbrush. Before you really start scrubbing away, it’s a good idea to test your brush in a discreet spot on the stove to make sure it’s not going to scratch the surface. Work your brush along with some degreaser into all of the corners and around the igniters to loosen any grime.

For areas that seem like they’ve permanently bonded themselves to the surface forever, you can try using a fresh razor blade to peel up the grime. Be extremely careful if you go this route and make sure you don’t scrape the paint. You just want to break up the surface of the burned bits so the degreaser can penetrate and loosen them up. Take your time and work gently. You might not get it 100 percent perfect, so don’t fixate on the one burned spot that won’t come off; sometimes in life it’s just good to let the little things go. Besides, we’ve got a trick further down that might help you cover up some of those blemishes.

Step 6: Give Everything a Final Polish

Once you’ve degreased and scrubbed everything, you’ll want to use some fresh paper towels and wipe off any excess degreaser. Wipe everything down until it’s dry, then using some glass cleaner and a Magic Eraser, give everything a final wipe down. The Magic Eraser will lift off any small residual bits of grease and pick up any of the degreaser residue so it won’t leave a cloudy film on your stovetop. Once your Magic Eraser comes up clean, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 7: Now, About Those Parts You Removed

Now that your stove grates have had some time to marinate in the degreaser, you’ll want to give them a quick rinse with hot water to wash away the majority of the grease. After that, give the grates and your burner caps a good scrubbing with your nylon brush, and use a little soap or degreaser if you need to combat any difficult spots.

When it comes to the burners themselves, we recommend washing those in hot water while giving them a gentle scrubbing with your nylon brush. Don’t put any aggressive cleaners or solvents on your burners since they come in contact with your stove’s gas outlets. You don’t want any clogs or residual buildup that could cause ignition problems.

Once everything is clean, place your stove parts on a towel and let everything dry completely before you reassemble your stovetop.

Step 8: Reassemble and Add a Layer of Protection

Now that you’ve invested so much time getting your gas stove back into peak condition, it’s a good idea to consider adding a guard around the burners. When you’ve finished a marathon cooking session, it’ll be easier to wipe the guard down or simply replace it when the time comes. Additionally, if your stovetop is scorched beyond rescue, this is a great way to hide the unsightly surfaces.

Stove Guard Stovetop Protector

Make sure to put your stove guard in place (and remove any stickers) before you put your burners on . Then, reassemble your stove in the opposite order of disassembly. Start with replacing the burners. Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten where they go; each one is unique to its particular location and will only fit its designated spot. Top your burners off with their caps and give every burner a quick test light. Once you’re satisfied that everything is in working order, put the stove grates back on , and you’re ready to cook!


10 Home Cleaning Mistakes That Make Your House Dirty You May Be Making Mon, 09 May 2022 18:45:38 +0000 Correct these common cleaning mistakes and your home will sparkle.

Cleaning gone wrong

You probably feel good after you complete a household cleaning task; it’s not much fun, but needs to be done and is definitely beneficial. Or is it? Frustratingly, there is a right and a wrong way to clean. Find out if you’re making any of these mistakes that could actually be sabotaging your home’s cleanliness.

Mistake 1: Using the same rag around the house

Why it’s dirty: Despite spritzing it with a cleaning solution, when you use the same rag in multiple spots around the house, the rag hangs on to the grime from the previous surface and spreads it to whichever surface it touches next. That means bathroom germs get wiped onto kitchen counters, the living room coffee table, and anywhere else that cloth is used, definitely making this one of the ways you’re cleaning your kitchen all wrong.

How to fix it: Use a new wad of paper towel for each surface cleaned, or have a microfiber cleaning cloth designated for each area of your home. Microfiber cleaning cloths can be tossed in the laundry or thoroughly washed after each use to remove gunk or grime.

Mistake 2: Using a feather duster

Why it’s dirty: No matter how much the advertisements for these dusters say the feathers “trap and lock dust,” they don’t. Feather dusters are notorious for spreading dust around a surface or pushing it off to fall to the ground, rather than removing it.

How to fix it: Use a microfiber cleaning cloth or a disposable paper towel with an appropriate cleaning solution, depending on the surface being dusted. The idea that feather dusters actually “dust” is one of the common cleaning myths you can stop believing.

Mistake 3: Not cleaning the vacuum

Why it’s dirty: When a vacuum filter hasn’t been changed or cleaned in a while, not only is the vacuum unable to pick up as much dirt and dust as it should, due to decreased suction, but dirt also is blown back into the air and carpet by the dusty vent.

How to fix it: Change or empty vacuum bags or canisters immediately after they become full. Wipe vacuum attachments, the hose, and the vent with either a damp microfiber cleaning cloth or a moist paper towel, double-checking that the vacuum is unplugged first.

Mistake 4: Tossing any kitchen tool into the dishwasher

Why it’s dirty: Smaller kitchen tools like a garlic press, zester or cheese grater have small nooks and crannies that a dishwasher isn’t always able to blast. When food is left in these tools, it can become moldy and get into food the next time it is used.

How to fix it: Skip the dishwasher and wash by hand with dish soap and hot water, paying particular attention to corners and small holes. You can also try these other helpful cleaning tips for hard-to-clean objects.

Mistake 5: Placing a toilet brush back into its holder immediately

Why it’s dirty: If a toilet brush is put right back into its holder right after use, the moisture and germs from the toilet get trapped in the container and the brush, where they breed and multiply. These germs are then rubbed back into your toilet the next time the brush is used.

How to fix it: After scrubbing, allow the toilet brush to dry completely before returning it to its holder—voilà, you’ve eliminated one of the most common ways you’re cleaning your bathroom wrong. However, maybe it’s time to ditch the toilet brush entirely. If you’re not interested in keeping and cleaning a toilet brush, try out a toilet wand with disposable heads instead.

Mistake 6: Skipping the sink

Why it’s dirty: Whether it has a standard drain or a garbage disposal, sinks rapidly grow germs and bacteria due to being a moist environment where food particles tend to get stuck. This issue is compounded when food or standing water is left in the sink, the drain or the garbage disposal.

How to fix it: Wipe down the sink after each use. You should also try out these home cleaning hacks from professional house cleaners.

Mistake 7: Cleaning from the ground up

Why it’s dirty: When sweeping, mopping or vacuuming the floor before cleaning the furniture, dust, and crumbs fall from tables, counters, and shelves, requiring you to re-clean the floor.

How to fix it: Clean a room from the top down. Start with windows, working down to tables and counters, chairs and couches, side and coffee tables, ending with the floor. You’ll also want to try these 35 nearly forgotten house cleaning tips from the past.

Mistake 8: Spraying cleaner directly on a surface

Why it’s dirty: Spraying a cleaner directly onto furniture, countertops or glass can cause a buildup of the solution, leading to greasy furniture and surfaces, and streaky windows. This also could cause dirt and dust to stick to them more firmly.

How to fix it: Spray cleaning solution on a microfiber cleaning cloth or disposable paper towel, then wipe down surfaces. Don’t miss these household products that kill the coronavirus.

Mistake 9: Not cleaning the washing machine

Why it’s dirty: The skin cells, dust mites, and stains from clothes can linger in a washing machine drum as well as on the lid or door and detergent dispenser. This leads to washing clothes in dirty water, and eventually, they’ll turn stinky.

How to fix it: For a top-loading washer, start it on its longest and hottest wash setting. When the drum is nearly full of water, pour in 1 liter of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda, leaving the lid open and allowing the mixture to sit in the paused cycle for at least an hour. While the cycle is paused, clean the lid and any other visible nooks and crannies. Close the lid, allowing the wash cycle to run. Repeat vinegar and baking soda wash, if needed, then wipe down the inside of the washer and leave the lid open to allow the washer to dry completely.

For a front-loading washer, pour a solution of 1/4 cup each baking soda and water into the detergent compartment and pour 2 cups of vinegar into the drum. Set your machine to the hottest temperature and let it do its thing. When the cycle is over, wipe the drum clean, along with the door, detergent compartment, and exterior. Pay extra attention to the gasket. Remember to leave the door ajar between loads for the best air circulation. Bet you didn’t know that you should absolutely be adding these ingredients to your laundry.

Mistake 10: Washing a cutting board with dish soap

Why it’s dirty: While dish soap and hot water remove visible food residue from a cutting board, the cuts in wood and plastic cutting boards trap microscopic food particles. These breed bacteria that transfer to any foods you prepare on that cutting board.

How to fix it: Don’t put it in the dishwasher! A wooden cutting board can warp and crack, while a plastic cutting board can melt in the hot water and steamy environment of a dishwasher. Instead, soak your cutting boards in hydrogen peroxide or a bleach solution (2 tablespoons of bleach and 1 gallon of water), rinse with water and dry completely.

5 ways to unclog a clogged kitchen sink drain Thu, 05 May 2022 18:12:39 +0000 With a few household items and these simple steps, you can learn how to unclog a sink and save yourself a call to the plumber.
You use your sink on a daily basis to rinse everything from your hands, body, and hair to dishes and veggies. So when water starts draining a little more slowly than usual and even the best drain cleaners aren’t working, it might signal a clogged sink. It happens to the best of us, which is why it pays to know how to unclog a sink.

1. Boiling water

Learning how to unclog a sink starts with understanding which methods work for the type of pipes you have. Take, for instance, boiling water. If you have metal pipes and you suspect hair, soap, grease, or other residue is getting stuck in your drain, boiling water might be the first (and easiest) solution. That said, it’s not for everyone. “Do not use this method on PVC pipes” .

Here’s how to do it:

Boil two liters of water.

Pour it into the drain opening.

Turn on the faucet to see if the boiling water made a difference.

Repeat, if necessary.

If the problem persists, it’s time to try another method for unclogging a drain.

2. Baking soda and vinegar

Maybe you’ve tried boiling water and you’re still dealing with an annoying clogged drain. Or maybe you have PVC pipes and were wise enough to skip that. Either way, you need a simple method for unclogging a sink. Suggests baking soda and vinegar.

Yep, you probably already have those ingredients stashed in your pantry. Both baking soda and white vinegar have a bunch of household uses—they’ll clean your laundry, banish soap scum, and keep your refrigerator smelling fresh—and when combined, they make for a simple way to unclog a drain. It works like this:

Start by pouring approximately one cup of baking soda into the drain.

Follow with one cup of vinegar.

Cover the sink with a sink stopper.

Let the mixture sit and fizzle for 15 minutes.

Remove the stopper and run hot water down the drain.

If you notice an improvement, repeat the process until the drain is unclogged.

3. Plunger

You’re used to grabbing the toilet plunger when it’s time to unclog the toilet bowl, but you can use a toilet plunger to unclog a sink as well. You can also buy a mini plunger specifically for clogged drains. Follow the steps below to plunge your way to a clear drain.

Fill the sink halfway with hot water.

Place the plunger over the drain and pump up and down a few times.

Remove the plunger and observe whether the water drains.

Repeat until the water drains.

If you have a double sink, you’ll need to cover one of the drains while you plunge the other. If the water in your sink swirls down with ease, your efforts have worked.

4. Snake the drain

Plumber using a snake to unclog bathroom sink drain

If none of the above tricks work, you can try to unclog a kitchen sink or bathroom sink by using the Zip-It drain-cleaning tool. But for pesky clogs, try snaking the drain. A plumber’s snake, or drain snake, is a flexible tool that snakes down the drain to dislodge stubborn clogs.

Open the drain by removing the stopper.

Feed the snake down the drain.
Once the snake hits an obstruction, crank the handle to dislodge the debris. “Don’t push too hard, so that you don’t push the clog further down the pipe”.

Pull the snake (and the gunk clogging your sink) out of the drain.

Repeat until the clog is gone. Run hot water to test.

5. Remove the sink trap

If you’ve tried all of the above methods but your sink is still clogged, it’s time to get down and dirty. And by “down,” we mean under the sink. That’s where a pipe called the sink trap is located, and as a final resort. Here’s how to do that:

To avoid a mess, place a newspaper and bucket under the sink trap.

Unscrew the slip joints.

Take the sink trap to a separate sink or a hose outside to clean all the dirt and grime that has built up in it.

Reassemble the sink trap.

How to prevent your sink drains from clogging

Just as important as learning how to unclog a sink is preventing it from happening in the first place. Suggests the following tips to prevent buildup in your drain.

Use drain screens on all your drains.

Clean drain stoppers on a regular basis.

Don’t pour grease down the sink—plumbers never do.

If you have metal pipes, pour a liter of hot water down the sink once a week to keep your pipes clean.

4 simple but effective microwave cleaning tips not everyone knows! Fri, 29 Apr 2022 05:38:19 +0000 Try these 4 simple methods of cleaning your microwave!  These hacks go beyond just cleaning the splatters, by also taming your super-smelly microwave.

1. Cleaning With Vinegar

Using a microwave-safe bowl or large glass measuring cup, fill it with two cups of water and two tablespoons of vinegar. You can add one drop of your favorite essential oil to lessen the smell of the vinegar, if you want. Place the container in the microwave.

Turn the microwave on high for five minutes. You want it to get really steamy in there. Don’t open the door for another fifteen minutes, to make sure all the baked-on grime has softened.

Carefully remove the container (Note: It might be hot)

Remove the turntable, and wipe it down with a clean rag.

Wipe down the sides, door, bottom and top of the inside of the microwave with paper towels or a rag, being sure to avoid getting any liquid in the vents. If spots remain, use a sponge dipped in the water/vinegar solution.

Replace the turntable.

2. Cleaning With Lemon

Take one lemon and squeeze it to get it a little mushy. Then, cut it in half.

Place about one cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl or large glass measuring cup.

Squeeze as much lemon juice as you can out of each half of the lemon into the water.

Drop the squeezed lemon halves into the water, as well.

Place the container in the microwave, and run it on high for five to ten minutes.

Let it stand for another five minutes. Then, open the door and carefully remove the bowl.

Remove the turntable, wipe it clean with a dishcloth and then wipe all the surfaces of the inside of the microwave with the dishcloth.

Replace the turntable.

3. Cleaning With Soap

The hands-on method:

Put some dishwashing liquid in a bowl of warm water. Soak and squeeze a sponge in the bowl until the water gets full of suds.

Remove the turntable and scrub it in the sink with the soapy sponge. Rinse it off and let it dry.

Try to remove all the crumbs from the inside of the microwave with a damp paper towel or rag.

Use the soapy sponge to scrub the inside surfaces, starting with the top. Using a circular motion, coat the top, sides, bottom and door with suds, being careful not to get them in the vents. Repeat with clean suds to make sure all the grime is gone.

Wipe down all the surfaces with a damp paper towel to remove the suds, being careful not to get water in the vents.

Now, wipe everything with a dry paper towel or rag to avoid streaking.

Replace the turntable.

The hands-off method:

Put some dishwashing liquid in a microwave-safe bowl and fill it with warm water. If your microwave needs to be deodorized, add a little baking soda to the mixture.

Place the bowl in the microwave and run it on high for five minutes.

Let it stand for another five minutes. Then, remove the bowl.

Take the turntable out and wipe it off with a damp sponge and dry it with a paper towel.

Wipe down the surfaces of the microwave with the damp sponge and dry them with a paper towel.

Replace the turntable.

4. Cleaning With Window Cleaner

Most window cleaners contain ammonia, which should never be mixed with other household cleaners.

Take a microwave-safe bowl and spray about ten pumps of window cleaner in it, or about a two-second pour, and then add about a cup of water.

Spray the inside of the microwave with window cleaner –– especially on baked-on, large spills.

Place the bowl in the microwave and run it on high for about five minutes.

Wait about five minutes and carefully remove the bowl.

Remove the turntable and wipe it clean first with a damp paper towel, and then with a dry one.

Do the same with the inside surfaces of the microwave, starting at the top and working your way to the bottom. Make sure you wipe it completely dry.

Replace the turntable

Kitchen Tips: Common Utensils In The Kitchen You’re Using Wrong Ways Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:45:59 +0000 It’s tempting to believe that if you’ve been cooking for as long as I have, you already know everything there is to know about the things in your kitchen. However, it’s possible that you’re using your kitchen equipment incorrectly without even realizing it! Before I completed researching and writing today’s post, I was surely one of them.

 Kitchen Knives

Isn’t it true that a knife is a knife? Certainly not! Some knives are better suited to specific jobs, such as cutting homemade bread with a serrated knife without accidentally smashing it. Soft produce, such as tomatoes and strawberries, can also be cut with serrated knives.


Where you place your dishes inside your dishwasher makes a big difference! A study published in Chemical Engineering Journal found that dishes with carb-based residues (like potatoes, pasta, etc.) are cleaned more thoroughly when placed near the center of the machine. The study also concluded that dishes with protein-based residues (like meat, cheese, etc.) should be placed around the edges of your dishwasher for optimal cleaning.

Food Processor

Some people use their food processor and blender interchangeably, but they’re actually better suited to different tasks. Food processors are best when used to chop up solid, dry foods or make chunky sauces.


Your blender, on the other hand, is a helpful tool for making smooth soups, sauces, and beverages. But blenders can struggle if you don’t add your ingredients in the right order, so start with your liquids first, then add smaller ingredients. Layer large ingredients on top, then add the hardest ingredients last (like ice or vegetable stalks).


Many people use the shelves in the door of their fridge to store things like milk and juice for easy access. But this isn’t a great idea, because the door shelves are one of the warmest parts of your fridge.

Instead, it’s better to use those door shelves to store things like condiments, water, and shelf-stable juices, since these items don’t need to be kept quiet as cold. Store your milk and fresh juices on the main shelves of your fridge to make sure they stay cold.


Another factor that affects the temperature of your fridge is how much food you have in it. It’s fine to have a lot of food in your fridge, as long as there is enough space between items to allow air to circulate. If air can’t circulate, your items won’t get sufficiently cold and may even spoil!

Garlic Press

If you own and use a garlic press, you may be surprised to learn that you don’t actually have to peel your garlic cloves before pressing them. The garlic “skins” will stay inside the press, and only the good parts will get pushed through the holes.


Most people don’t use their freezers nearly often enough. It’s a great place to store your leftovers so they stay fresh for longer. Using your freezer often will help you cut down on food waste, and less food waste means keeping more money in your pocket!

Garbage Disposal

It seems instinctive to use hot water when you’re operating your garbage disposal, but cold water is often the better choice. Hot water causes many foods to melt, and melty foods can stick to the disposal blades and to the inside of your pipes. Coldwater keeps food solid, and solid foods are much easier to crush and rinse away.

Stand Mixer

Most people who use a stand mixer don’t know that you can actually adjust the height of your paddle attachment. It should rest a few millimeters above the bowl; any higher and it won’t mix properly, and any lower and it will scratch up your bowl.


In order to use your microwave properly, you should know the wattage of your particular model. The wattage is how much power your microwave produces and it affects how quickly food cooks. Many frozen food labels suggest different time recommendations based on wattages, so it’s important to know yours. You can find it in your microwave’s User Manual, or on the front or back of your microwave.


Opening your oven door while cooking or baking can be a risky move because the temperature in your oven can drop up to 130°F every time you do it. This temperature swing can cause disastrous results, like collapsing cakes and undercooked food. If you need to open the oven door during the cooking process, do it as quickly as you can to minimize the temperature drop.

Vegetable Peeler

When you use a vegetable peeler, make sure to move the peeler away from you, rather than towards you. Not only is peeling away from you safer, but it also results in a cleaner and neater finished product.
