Refrigerator – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Mon, 23 Aug 2021 17:18:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Refrigerator – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 How To Cleanse Your Fridge and Keep It Spotless (6 Simple Steps) Mon, 23 Aug 2021 17:18:55 +0000 Who has a scary fridge? One that you open the door on, grab what you can easily see and need, and shut the door?

How about we tackle cleaning that fridge today, and maybe we can open it tonight for dinner prep or the well-earned wine or milk for a cup of tea without being slightly anxious.

Step 1: Assess The Damage

Make a hot cup of something and in the time that it takes the kettle to boil, open the fridge and inspect the damage. What do you find? Mystery mush lost lunch meat, see-through storage containers that are no longer see-through as they’re growing a garden of white fluffy mould, or bowls of”¦ something, that has multi-hued spots.

Grab everything out!

Step 2: Be Ruthless and Chuck It Out!

Open the bin up and pull it close. Pull out everything from the fridge and be ruthless. If it’s something you have to think about, something you’re not sure about, or something that really has seen better days into the bin. Check the use-by dates on things that have a long shelf life, and bin anything that is overdue for replacement.

If it’s the mirin that you used once in 2010 and have kept through 4 house moves and never cooking Japanese in the meantime, it goes in the bin. When in doubt, chuck it out. This applies to any medications or supplements that you have in the fridge as well. Pack up any medications that are no longer needed and return them to your pharmacist for safe disposal, and remind yourself to take those probiotics before they expire.

Step 3: Time To Scrub

Run the sink with hot soapy water and boil the kettle. Pour the rest of the kettle into the sink, then fill a bowl from the sink and grab a Super wipe. These are great for larger jobs (like your fridge) where you are going to need to wipe, rinse and repeat as the double-action holes easily pick up dirt and food particles and allow for the cloth to be hygienically rinsed clean for use over and over again.

Take the shelves and crispers out and give them a good clean, including the shelf that the crispers are on. Then wipe down the whole fridge, top to bottom, and dust out the last bits of freeze-dried food. Change the water in the bowl, add a dash of vinegar or vanilla essence, and wipe down the clean fridge surfaces for a fresh, hygienic start. Wipe over the seals, and dry everything with an old tea towel. This will increase the efficiency of your fridge, food will last longer, less colonization will happen and it’ll smell nicer.

Step 4: Before You Put Stuff Back…..

Grab a box of Bicarbonate of Soda, take off the top so it is open, and pop it in the back of the fridge. This will absorb any odors or nasties that are released by the food. Just replace it every couple of months.

If you want your fridge to smell good, dab a few drops of Vanilla Essence on your cloth when wiping the inside of the fridge.

Also, make a mental note of three things

  • Stuff you threw out unopened or unused (don’t buy this again unless you’re going to use it that day);
  • Stuff that you threw out some of, because it was past its used-by date or was growing something (buy a small container of this next time to reduce waste things like tomato paste, sour cream, or cheese);
  • Stuff you need to use up (do next week’s meal planning around that last bit of curry paste or chutney).

Step 5: Re-stack and Restock

Put what’s left of your big cleanout back into the fridge in an organized way. Maybe the top shelf is for condiments or dairy, the second shelf for meat or leftovers, the next shelf for milk and eggs and bircher muesli, and the bottom shelf for the crispers of fruit and vegetables. Keep like with like, line up those little jars of jam into the door of the fridge, hide your chocolate stash in the top of the door.

Step 6: Clean the Outside

Take a cleaning cloth to remove the fingerprints and any grease from the front of the fridge and leave it sparkly clean.

Bonus points if you tackle the top of the fridge, pull the whole thing out and dust the elements at the back, change the drip tray or and an extra gold star here if you check underneath the fridge for lost magnets, unpaid bills, or dust bunnies.

These Common Habits Could Be Shortening The Life Of Your Fridge Tue, 10 Aug 2021 22:00:39 +0000 Here the worst habits could be taking years off of your hard-working refrigerator. Keeping on reading to know how to use your fridge properly.

You’re not cleaning the internal mechanics

If the defrost drain is clogged with debris or frozen, the water dripping off the coils will overflow the drain trough and drip into the bottom of your refrigerator. Not only can this overwork your fridge, leading to a shorter lifespan, but it can also potentially cause your fridge/freezer to leak water all over your kitchen floor.

You’re not cleaning the fridge itself

Debris, foodstuff, sticky spills, and more common food mishaps that stay on the gasket of the refrigerator’s door too long can tear or break the seal of your refrigerator door, causing a leak that allows cold air to escape. In order to keep your fridge in tip-top shape and working for a long time, be sure to wipe down the door edges often.

You’re not cleaning the coils

According to Family Handyman, you can eliminate more than 70 percent of service calls for your fridge simply by cleaning your coils once a year. (Family Handyman recommends upping that to twice a year if you have furry pets.) Debris on the coils can stop your fridge from properly dissipating heat which means that your compressor will be working harder and longer than it was designed to, using more energy and shortening the life of your fridge.

It’s too full

We’ve all played a few games of Tetris with our refrigerator after we get home with the groceries, but be careful when stocking up and storing. While this isn’t a huge problem with newer models, some older models have fan blades that are less protected. You may even be able to see the fan blades in your freezer or fridge. Cramming your food into the fridge and freezer to the point of applying undue pressure on this small part can affect its shape and fit among related parts of your fridge, which means that it might break or struggle to do its job.

In order to avoid overfilling your fridge, be sure to do a deep clean of the contents of your fridge every once in a while and toss all expired and unwanted items.

Your freezer temperature is too high

Ideally, the temperature should be set between -17 to -15 degrees Celsius. The wrong freezer temperature can affect the longevity of your ice maker, as well as the safety of the food you’ll be eating. A temperature higher than -15 degrees Celsius can also cause the defrost thermostat to stop working which in turn, overworks your refrigerator and shortens its life.

You’re not changing the water filter often enough

If you have the type of fridge that makes ice—with the dispenser either within the freezer or on your door—the water filter is key to keeping this part of your refrigerator in great condition. An old, broken, or dislodged water filter can create all kinds of problems for your fridge. At best, your ice dispenser breaks. At worst, your fridge overworks itself to early death and you’re stuck footing the bill for a new one.

You ignore weird noises or constant running

If you notice that your fridge is always running, or is running louder than usual, do something about it right away. Some fixes are easy enough that you can do yourself, but even if that’s not the case, ignoring professional maintenance when it’s required is a good way to put an early expiration date on this expensive appliance. Depending on the age of your fridge, you may want to decide not to fix it, and instead invest in a new, more energy- and cost-efficient model—something that’s easier said than done during the ongoing pandemic.

Best Tips To Get Rid Of The Stinky Fridge Smell Thu, 05 Aug 2021 23:37:15 +0000 We’ve covered lots of tips that will change the way you use your fridge, but we forgot one thing… what to do about a stinky fridge! The good news, you can find out the best tips to get rid of the stinky fridge smell quickly and affordably in this post. Let’s check out right now!

Different hacks to get rid of the stinky, smelly, fridge

1. Baking soda in a jar

I know that we’ve all heard that you should keep a box of baking soda in the fridge to keep odors at bay, right? I also like to try this idea for even more odor-fighting effectiveness: put the baking soda in a shaker jar. I also like to put it in a cup and place it on the shelf in the fridge that way there is more airflow as well! The more baking soda is exposed to the air both ways, allowing it to absorb more odors. If you want to go the extra mile put a couple of drops of essential oils in the baking soda too! I like the citrusy smells the best. Essential oils are a great way to boost the fresh smell to get the stink out!

2. Baking soda in a coffee filter

If your anything like me you need your coffee wake me up in the morning! Coffee in the morning, coffee in the afternoon, coffee in your refrigerator?? Sure why not! There is another idea that involves coffee you simply put some baking soda in a coffee filter, tie it up, and put it in your fridge. This was such a genius idea and so simple and convenient too! This allows for plenty of circulation and absorption of odors, too.

3. Charcoal

I personally love charcoal to get rid of toxins in your body! Why not use it for getting rid of stinky smelly refrigerator smells too?! Sure why not?! This idea was a new one for me but it might just do the trick for you! All you have to do is put a few briquettes in a bowl in the fridge or use one of these handy Fridge-It cubes to hold charcoal and hang it out of your way.

4. Newspapers

Newspapers are great for reading but they also help absorb smelly odors as well! Remember that time your kid turned the switch off on the front of the deep freezer from our basement and we had no idea for days! Imagine the horrendous smell?? So when the power goes out or your son decides to turn off your freezer and food has gone bad in the fridge or freezer, it can take several days to get the stink out. In addition to the charcoal idea above, clear out all the food and stuff lots of newspapers inside. Repeat for a few days until the odors are gone.

5. Press ‘N Seal

So when you think of press and seal I am thinking of those sticky things that you place in the bottom of kitchen cabinets! There are so many other uses including in your fridge! This is just another genius trick to prevent smells is by cleaning up messes FAST. It can make cleanup a breeze by applying Press ‘N Seal wrap to your refrigerator shelves. Have a spill or a mystery sticky substance? Just pull up the wrap and replace it.

Tips on how to make your own refrigerator deodorizers:

  • baking soda
  • essential oils
  • A little bit of water

They’re super easy, and you don’t have to worry about boxes or containers.
DIY refrigerator deodorizers

1. Vinegar

I love vinegar for another all-natural cleaner that does the trick! Do you want a powerful cleaner that naturally eliminates odor? Vinegar is where it’s at! It’s one of my go-to’s for all-natural cleaning for refrigerator smells. Make your own with heated vinegar and water (1 cup vinegar to 2 parts hot water). Add some essential oils to make it smell better. I like to use either lemon or lime, essential oils! The fresh citrus smells really helps get the stink out! Plus vinegar on its own doesn’t smell that pleasant!

2. Baking soda and water/vinegar

Springtime rolls around and you have some extra time on your hands so why not do some deep cleaning! The best way to deep clean your fridge is whenever you have a super sticky mess on your hands. Use baking soda and water (or baking soda and vinegar) to clean the shelves and drawers after you’ve removed them.

3. No mold allowed

Nobody likes the smell of mold, it can make you sick, and it’s really stinky and hard to get rid of! To do a thorough cleaning make sure that you really get in the nooks and crannies of the drawers and shelves, as sometimes mold can hide there. Luckily it’s a quick fix! And a moldy fridge is a smelly fridge, my friends.

4. Check once/check twice

The best way to examine your stinky fridge is to get make sure you know the source of where the smell is coming from or you’ll never get rid of bad odors. Make sure to be extra diligent and look through the food items in your fridge to find spoiled produce, rancid dairy products, or anything else that could be causing a funky odor.

5. Lemons

One of my favorite smells on earth is lemon! There is just something about it that makes me scream “Clean”! Here is another great tip for getting the stinky smells out! Reuse those lemons after you’ve squeezed the juice out of them! Place them in a bowl in the fridge to give your refrigerator a fresh, citrusy scent.

6. Coffee

Who loves coffee in the morning? I know I do! Don’t throw away those used coffee grounds instead, here is a great way to save them from the morning! If you love the smell of coffee, reuse those old coffee grounds as an odor absorber in the fridge. You can use this fancy gadget or just put them in a bowl. It’s always a good idea to recycle when you can.

7. Dry oatmeal

If you have nothing else on hand at the time there is one more option and it’s something we all have in our lazy Susan or pantry! If you’re all out of the above solutions, one thing almost everyone has on hand is oatmeal. That’s right, just put a bowl of dry oatmeal in the fridge to absorb that stinky smell. I would not recommend eating it after use so be sure to throw it out once the smell is gone!

8. Refrigerator Deodorizer

Ok, I have to be honest here, I have never heard of these before! Maybe it’s because I love DIY so much! There are so many different options that you can buy at the store if you are not into DIY like me, that’s why right here is a really great refrigerator deodorizer. You can buy some really effective ones for fairly cheap. There are activated charcoal purifiers that you can purchase on amazon and stash just about anywhere in the fridge.

10 Foods That You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Freeze Fri, 23 Jul 2021 00:02:54 +0000 Everyone knows that the freezer is ideal for storing chilled treats, meats, and casseroles, but this useful kitchen appliance is great for keeping many other items too. Take advantage of it by storing some of these surprising foods you probably didn’t know you could freeze.

1. Nuts

Because of their high oil content, nuts can go rancid very quickly. In fact, after just two weeks at room temperature, the oils in many types of nuts can start to go bad, but if you freeze them it will slow their decline.

Place what you’re going to use immediately in the refrigerator as repeatedly opening and closing a bag in the freezer introduces moisture and the potential for contamination.

Store the rest in the freezer by wrapping them well in plastic, and then placing in a resealable freezer bag.

2. Herbs

You don’t want to place herbs directly into your freezer as they’ll become limp and lose some of their flavors, but there is a way to freeze them properly so that doesn’t happen.

The trick is to use olive oil. Simply chop up fresh herbs like sage, oregano, thyme, or rosemary and pack them into your ice cube trays about halfway full.

Cover them with extra-virgin olive oil, leaving a little bit of room at the top for expansion.

Wrap in plastic wrap and then freeze the ice trays overnight.

Afterward, remove the cubes from the trays and store them in the freezer in resealable freezer bags.

When you’re ready to use them, you can simply drop them directly into a soup, stew or frying pan.

3. Overripe bananas

If your bananas have gotten overripe, don’t despair. They’re great to use in all sorts of recipes, like banana bread, and are especially good for smoothies.

In fact, the riper the banana, the sweeter tasting that smoothie will be.

Just use a knife to slice the peel down one side, and then pop the banana out. Don’t freeze your bananas with the skins on as it’s way too difficult to peel them later when they become hard as a rock in the freezer.

You can wrap them up in plastic wrap or place them in resealable bags by squeezing out as much air as possible and organizing them in a way that they don’t stick together.

If you want to use them for smoothies, just take them straight from the freezer and blend them up.

For use in baking things like banana bread, defrost them overnight in the fridge first, or thaw them for about an hour at room temperature.

4. Raw eggs

So, you were lucky to score a few dozen local eggs, but it’s not anywhere near Easter and there’s no way you can use them all before they go bad.

If you try to freeze eggs in their shells, the liquid will expand, which causes the shell to crack and create an incredibly yucky mess in your freezer.

Instead, crack them into a bowl first, and then blend in just a pinch of salt, being careful not to whip too much air in as the yolks will clump when thawed if you do.

Store them in an amount you normally use at one time in individual resealable bags – they’ll be good for up to a year.

5. Corn on the cob

Ever dreamed of enjoying the sweet taste of corn on the cob in the middle of a gloomy winter?

Plan it outright, and you can do just that.

Fresh-picked corn, from a local farm or farmers’ market, can last as long as a year when it’s frozen the right way, husk and all.

If you get it fresh, just place it immediately into freezer bags with the husk and silk intact, and when you defrost, it will be wonderfully succulent and fresh.

If you buy it from a traditional supermarket, you’ll need to husk and blanch it first in order to prevent enzymes from forming to result in a loss of color and flavor.

Blanch small ears of corn for 7 minutes, medium-size ears for 9 and large ears for 11 minutes.

6. Garlic

They say you can never have too much garlic, and we agree. Not only does it add lots of flavor to a dish, but it offers a multitude of health benefits.

And, garlic is incredibly easy to freeze.

You can chop up the cloves and stick them in the freezer, or freeze the whole bulb.

The important thing is to select the highest quality, organic garlic, as it will have the best flavor after freezing.

Be sure that there are no mold or green shoots coming out, and that it’s well-dried and firm, not sticky or wet – if it is, use that garlic as soon as you can as it won’t freeze.

If you want to chop or mince it up before freezing, allow it to sit for about 10 minutes first to release the compound known as allicin, which is responsible for garlic’s health benefits.

It can be stored safely for several months in a plastic or glass freezer container.

7. Grapes

Frozen grapes make one of the best healthy snacks ever. They’re crunchy and fabulously sweet at the same time, and they’re one of the easiest foods to prepare.

All you have to do is wash them, dry them, and then spread them out on a baking sheet.

Place the sheet into your freezer for three or four hours, and then either store them in resealable plastic bags to enjoy later or eat them immediately.

Pop a few into a glass of white wine to chill it instead of using ice which can melt into your wine and ruin the taste.

8. Fruits

Freezing citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and limes will keep them fresh and makes them convenient to use in recipes and drinks later.

They’re not only tasty, but they also contain a high amount of nutrients, like folate, vitamin C, and antioxidants that can protect your body’s cells from free radical damage.

Just don’t freeze them whole or they’ll get mushy.

Instead, slice them up thinly and place wax paper between each layer of slices, and then place them into the freezer.

Be sure to wash your fruit well first, cutting away any areas of broken skin that can contain microorganisms, leading to food-borne illness. You can also “wet pack” citrus fruits by putting them into a freezer-safe canning jar.

Fill the jar with water, leaving about one-and-a-half inches of space at the top to allow room for the fruit to expand as it freezes.

Crumple up a piece of wax paper and stuff it into the top of the jar to keep the fruit from floating to the top.

If you want to store the juice, first juice it using your hands or a juicer, and then pour the juice into ice cube trays and place them into the freezer. Once they’re frozen solid, take them out of the tray and place them in a freezer bag.

For zest of citrus, simply grate the rind, add several squeezes of juice, and freeze in an ice tray.

9. Cooked rice

The Japanese say frozen then reheated rice tastes the best – and many others swear by this too after testing out various storage methods.

You may have tried refrigerating rice before and noticed that the texture becomes hard and dry. Oftentimes, storing leftover rice in the fridge even for a day makes it pretty much inedible.

But the freezer method is different. Pack up that fresh-cooked, moist rice in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag, and then immediately close it up tightly.

When you reheat the frozen rice, either by pouring it into a bowl and microwaving for a minute or heated up with a liquid on your stovetop, it will be fresh, moist, and delicious just like fresh-cooked rice.

10. Onion

Like garlic, onions are amazing when it comes to adding flavor and benefiting your health.

You can make it easier to use them liberally in all sorts of dishes by preparing them ahead of time.

Peel and chop them, and then place them in plastic freezer bags and store them in your freezer until you’re ready to use.

You don’t even have to thaw them out first, just toss them right into your marinara sauce, soup, stew, or what have you, right out of the freezer.

7 Genius Organization Tips to Transform Your Refrigerator Mon, 28 Jun 2021 05:31:49 +0000 by Jacqueline Weiss

Is your fridge driving you crazy to the point where you can’t find a thing? It’s time for a new system!
Lose food to the depths of your fridge? Can’t uncover what you know you bought? It’s crazy how a cluttered refrigerator will slow you down when you’re doing meal prep or cooking for the family.

Clear Things Out

Toss anything that’s expired or old, as well as any questionable leftovers. (This will help you identify spoiled food.) Then sort through your produce because you might have a few things taking up space in the fridge that should be stored at room temp or in the pantry. We’re mostly talking about potatoes, tomatoes, onion and garlic.

Invest in Egg Storage

Instead of using a flimsy paper or styrofoam carton from the grocery store, invest in a clear egg tray. You’ll not only be able to see how many eggs you have left, but you can move them around and stack more easily without having to worry. This is a no-broken-eggs breakthrough!

Actually, Use Storage Containers for Everything

You can get super-organized with clear plastic or glass containers that easily stack. Like with the egg trays, you’ll be able to see exactly what you have going on inside. Not only does this look more visually appealing, but you’ll be able to see clearly whether everything is in order. 5 effectieve bodybuilding workout gym-schema – 5-daagse bodybuilding workout-schema bodybuilding estore turinabol szkani heren mouwloze hoodie fitness vest bodybuilding stringers workout tanktops. (It makes knowing when to re-stock much easier!)

You can even find containers that keep your veggies fresher for longer. This is good news for your farmers market finds and for your fridge—no more apples rolling from their bags or bunches of carrots standing in the way.

Get an Herb Saver

It’s so easy to lose the small plastic containers that herbs come in at the grocery store. Keeping fresh herbs in glass jars with water looks cute, but it’s prone to spilling. Just grab a couple of herb savers for your basil, cilantro and rosemary, whether they’re store-bought or grown in a kitchen garden, to keep things fresh and within reach.

Stack Your Bottles

Having friends over and need space for drinks? Instead of standing the glass bottles up, which is a waste of space in both directions, this handy mat helps you stack them in a pyramid shape. It takes up less space and looks sharp, too.

Store Your Food Properly

One of the biggest reasons food goes bad quickly is because it’s improperly stored. Where you keep food in the refrigerator makes a huge difference, especially for meats, cheeses and produce. Make sure everything is being stored in its proper place—the drawers, door and shelves all have unique roles to play.

Prep Your Food in Advance

You’d be surprised at how much your meats and vegetables shrink down when its all been prepped. If you have an hour to prep when you get home from the grocery store, it will definitely make your fridge more tranquil. Throw your pre-made salads into individual mason jars for lunch throughout the week, roast your vegetables in advance and chop up anything you plan to eat fresh.

The best way to keep your fridge clutter in check is to plan your meals ahead of schedule. It’s easy to get started with our how-to guide—and once you have a clean refrigerator you’ll never want to go back!


Life-Changing Fridge Organization Hacks Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:04:05 +0000 by Tania Griffis, Onecrazyhouse

Egg Carton in the Door | Alton Brown

Wondering how to organize a refrigerator when you have bottles of condiments? Simple. Place an egg carton bottom in one of your door shelves to hold your condiments in place upside down.

Bonus: you’ll never have to shake, shake, shake to get ketchup to the top of the bottle again!

Fridge Magnet Cups | Made Everyday

Kids using more cups than you can keep up with? Try this trick: fridge magnet cups! They can put them on the fridge between uses so they always know where their cups are.

DIY Magnetic Containers | Tater Tots and Jello

This idea is so versatile that you don’t just have to use it for your fridge, but look how useful it is in the refrigerator! Utilize that vertical space in your fridge with magnetic plastic containers.

Fridge Triage Box | In Habitat

Put a box near the front of the fridge for foods that need to be consumed ASAP. It’s a genius idea for how to organize a fridge that also helps eliminate food waste!

Create a Snack Zone | Stock Piling Moms

Mama, save yourself some time. Create a snack zone in the fridge with kid-friendly snacks and drinks that the kids can fetch themselves.

Create a Snack Zone | Stock Piling Moms

Mama, save yourself some time. Create a snack zone in the fridge with kid-friendly snacks and drinks that the kids can fetch themselves.

Cover the Shelves | Saving Toward a Better Life

Or, for an even cheaper option, use Glad Press & Seal wrap to cover your refrigerator shelves. When it gets icky, throw it out. Easy peasy…and no scrubbing.

Add a Lazy Susan | Martha Stewart

Save your door shelves for more important things. Condiments should be on a Lazy Susan in the fridge to keep everything organized and make everything easier to find.

Freezer Bins | Simply Organized

See what’s in your freezer at a glance by using bins to keep things contained.

Write on Your Refrigerator | Chiot’s Run

Did you know that you can write on the fridge with a dry erase marker? Use it to keep track of your shopping list, snap a pic of it before you leave for the store, and you’re good to go!

Store Leftovers | Bustle

Get rid of your Tupperware. Mason jars will keep food fresher longer, are microwave save (remove the lid first), and they don’t stain.

Store Veggies in Vertical Containers | The Social Home

Like to wash and cut your veggies all at once? Store them in Crystal Light containers in the door — a perfect fit and you utilize vertical storage!

Group Like Items Together (One of the best DIY organization hacks)| The Inspired Home

If you really want to maximize your refrigerator organization and ditch lost and expired foods, store like items together. Fruit with fruit, vegetables with vegetables, condiments with condiments…you get the idea

DIY Bottle Loft | Huffington Post

Securely suspend bottles and small jars from the top of your fridge using bottleLoft strips (strips with strong magnets). Smart!

Once you get decluttered and organized, go even a step further by using these fridge organization hacks and tips. Not only will they help you stay organized, but they’ll help make your life easier.





















