relationships – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Wed, 24 Jan 2024 08:21:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 relationships – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 7 Habits That Prevent You From Attracting Love Mon, 22 Jan 2024 08:13:26 +0000 7 Habits That Prevent You From Attracting Love

Lacking Self-Love and Confidence

Love often starts from within. If you don’t value and love yourself, it’s challenging for others to do so. Confidence is attractive, and self-acceptance is crucial in forming healthy relationships.

Being Too Pessimistic

Consistently viewing life and love through a negative lens can be off-putting. Optimism not only improves your own well-being but also makes you more appealing to potential partners.

Over-Reliance on Digital Interaction

In the digital age, it’s easy to hide behind screens. However, meaningful connections often require face-to-face interaction. Overuse of dating apps and social media might lead to superficial connections.

Not Being Open to New Experiences

Sticking to the same routine and refusing to try new things can limit your chances of meeting new people. Being open to new experiences expands your social circle and increases the likelihood of finding love.

Holding onto the Past

Whether it’s an old relationship or past hurt, dwelling on history can prevent you from moving forward. Letting go and focusing on the present are key to opening up to new relationships.

Ignoring Self-Improvement

Personal growth is attractive. Ignoring your own development can make you seem stagnant and uninteresting. Embrace learning, self-improvement, and personal hobbies.

Unrealistic Expectations

While it’s important to know what you want in a partner, overly rigid or unrealistic expectations can limit your chances of finding love. Flexibility and openness can lead to surprisingly fulfilling relationships.

Attracting love is as much about introspection and personal growth as it is about finding the right person. By acknowledging and working on these habits, you pave the way for healthier and more meaningful connections. Remember, the journey to love starts with you.

7 Signs You Are Being Used In A Relationship Mon, 22 Jan 2024 07:11:50 +0000 7 Signs You Are Being Used In A Relationship

1. Your Needs Are Always Secondary

If you find that your partner’s needs and desires always take priority over your own, it could be a sign of being taken advantage of. A healthy relationship requires balance where both needs are equally important.

2. They’re Only Affectionate When They Need Something

Pay attention to when your partner shows you affection. If affection or attention only comes your way when they need a favor or support, but is absent at other times, this could be a red flag.

3. Lack of Interest in Your Life

If your partner shows little to no interest in your personal life, your job, your hobbies, or your feelings, it could indicate that they are more interested in what you can do for them than who you are as a person.

4. They Avoid Serious Commitment Talks

Someone who is using you might avoid discussions about the future or commitment. If conversations about where the relationship is heading feel off-limits, or if they dodge meeting your family and friends, consider it a warning sign.

5. Financial Expectations

A significant sign of being used in a relationship is when your partner often expects or asks you to handle their financial responsibilities. Whether it’s paying for all the dates or covering their bills, constant financial reliance is not a part of a healthy partnership.

6. Communication is Transactional

Notice if most conversations with your partner revolve around requests or favors. If interactions feel more transactional than emotional or supportive, it might indicate that you’re being used.

7. You Feel Unsettled or Unhappy

Your feelings are often the most telling sign. If you consistently feel unsettled, unhappy, or undervalued in your relationship, it’s important to trust your instincts. Feeling more like a utility than a loved and respected partner is a clear indicator that something isn’t right.

Recognizing that you are being used in a relationship is the first step towards addressing the issue. It’s important to have an honest conversation with your partner about your concerns. Remember, everyone deserves a relationship where they feel valued, respected, and loved. If these needs are not being met, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship and consider your own well-being and happiness.

10 The Worst Lies Men Ever Told Women Mon, 22 Jan 2024 03:17:01 +0000 10 The Worst Lies Men Ever Told Women

“He said he was single.”

A common, yet heartbreaking lie. Discovering a partner is already in a relationship can shatter trust.

“He lied about his age.”

Age might just be a number, but honesty about it is crucial in forming a genuine connection.

“He said he wasn’t addicted.”

Substance abuse is a serious issue, and lying about it can lead to a destructive path for both partners.

“He told me he had a job.”

Financial stability is important, and lying about employment can be a red flag.

“He said he had never been in trouble with the law.”

A criminal past can be a deal-breaker for many.

“He pretended to share my interests.”

Feigning interest in hobbies or beliefs can be a tactic to win someone over.

“He told me he was divorced.”

Being misled about marital status is a profound betrayal.

“He lied about his health status.”

Honesty about health, especially concerning transmittable diseases, is non-negotiable.

“He said he wasn’t seeing anyone else.”

Exclusivity is a key aspect of many relationships, and dishonesty here can be devastating.

“He claimed he had no children.”

Lies about having children can complicate relationships significantly.

The impact of lies in relationships can be deep and damaging. These resources offer support and guidance for those who have experienced deceit and are seeking ways to heal and move forward.

8 Signs He Is Falling Out of Love Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:50:56 +0000 8 Signs He Is Falling Out of Love

1. Less time spent together having fun.

Even though your partner spends time with you, he has more fun when he spends it with other people. When you are together, you rarely do something exciting. All you do is going shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, etc. If you still can make your partner smile or laugh, you are on your way to getting your partner fall back in love with you.

2. Less touching than before.

Being physically close to each other is one of the main elements of a romantic relationship. If you don’t kiss or hug each other as much as you did before, it is also a sign that your partner is falling out of love with you.

3. Not sharing emotions.

If you never know what your partner is feeling, it is another sign that your partner is falling out of love with you. He never talks about his feelings even if you ask him to. You should also keep in mind that emotional cheating usually happens before physical cheating. Thus, you should let your partner know that he is safe with you to share his feelings.

4. Your partner is doing something new/different.

When your partner is falling out of love with you, any change signals something bad. He might have changed his looks, his hobbies or his weight. He might have started going to a gym often or he might spend more time in front of a mirror than he did before. Any changes in your partner’s behavior show that there is someone new in his life.

5. Putting effort into making the relationship work.

It’s evident to him that the two of you will not be together anymore. He isn’t bothered about the fights and he has no enthusiasm left to resolve the conflicts. He has slowly started to accept the end is near.

6. Caring for you.

You have the feeling that he doesn’t seem to care any longer. You can get that vibe from that. Those sparks in his eyes are gone. The smile has faded away already. It’s becoming so evident that you’re getting a hint of it too.

7. Acting regardless of the way you feel about their actions.

He doesn’t care if their actions are hurting you or not. He will do whatever he wants and in the end, if he hurts you, he isn’t bothered.

He isn’t sorry for their actions because he has lost interest in you.

8. Communicating.

Communication is the base of every relationship. When communication starts d.ying, the relationship d.i.e.s too.

If the two of you communicate rarely, it means that the spark is no more. Your partner lacks interest in talking to you and if they can’t communicate, they can’t live with you either.


7 lies almost every woman tells their partner in a relationship Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:40:06 +0000 7 lies almost every woman tells their partner in a relationship

1. She’s ok with your friends being around all the time

If she has told you this lie already, don’t expect her to continue to keep up with your friends being around always. The truth is no matter how great and nice your friends are, your woman doesn’t want them around all the time. Having your friends around all the time won’t go down well with her irrespective of what she says. Try to keep visits from your friends to a minimum.

2. Number of people she’s been with in bed

It is more likely that both of you had several s-e-x-u-a-l partners. Despite knowing that this is true, you would feel uncomfortable at the marks of those numbers. That is why she may lie regarding s-ex-u-a-l history if questioned. Naturally, accepting each other’s past is necessary, and if someone’s going to judge you based on those numbers, then it’s time to go on separate ways.

3. ”I’m Fine” but she meant it the other way around

“I’m fine” is the single most common lie told by women to men. A women might be really angry with her man or about something and still tell her man that she’s fine. The thing with women is that they just expect the man to figure out what the problem really is.

4. The s*x was great

It’s hard for most women to be frank about s*x especially when it isn’t really good with you. So just because she said s*x with you was great doesn’t really mean she meant it. Rely on her body language instead.

5. Her pricey expenses

No matter who earns more, money is always a part of an issue. It is possible that women are tempted to hide the truth on how much is the real cost of her new clothes, her expensive perfume collection or buying the most expensive chocolates in the world. When the topic is about money, always be true.

6. She’s ok with you being friends with your ex

Most women will claim to be okay with their man being friends with his ex but the truth is they really aren’t okay with the idea. Just because she says she’s cool with you hanging out and texting your ex doesn’t mean you should do that because she isn’t really cool with it.

7. She won’t change anything about you

You are better off not believing this lie. There are probably many things about you that she’d like to change but she just haven’t figured them out because your relationship is in the “honeymoon” phase during which you seem absolutely perfect. Sooner or later, she will figure out there are certain things about you that needs to be changed so enjoy the lie of she not changing anything about you while it last.


She refused to pull the plug on her husband, years later he awoke and said two surprising words Fri, 19 Jan 2024 04:06:44 +0000 She refused to pull the plug on her husband, years later he awoke and said two surprising words

When a woman named Danielle Davis married the love of her life, she knew her life would resemble the one she always dreamed of. Sadly, her happiness was short-lived when her husband of just seven months were involved in a motorbike accident and ended on life support.

The chances of him ever recovering from the injuries he sustained were dull and every doctor she ever consulted of her husband’s condition advised her that it would be for the best if she made the decision to take him off life support.

However, against medical advise, Danielle decided to keep her husband Matt on life support, praying for a miracle.

“I felt that God could carry him through, and God could handle the situation,” she said.

As they would no longer keep him at the hospital, Matt was transferred home and it was Danielle and her mother-in-law who took all the care for him. “Let’s give him the best view in the world if he’s just going to be a body in a bed,” Danielle went on to say, making sure Matt was as comfortable as possible.

Months passed by, and as everyone started losing hope that things could get better for Matt, he woke up.

Him being able to open his eyes was a miracle. What followed was a gradual psychological and physical recovery. But what stunned his wife and his family the most were the first words he uttered when he woke up. He had a request, a “buffalo chicken wrap from Cheddar’s.”

Matt was able to restore his long-term memory, but still has difficulties recalling his wedding day and what happened in recent years. Sadly, he’s not able to walk, but despite all the challenges, he’s still doing all in his power to get even better in the days to come.

His witty personality still shines bright, and he even has advice for husbands out there. “Take out the trash because there might be a day when you can’t,” he said jokingly.

Matt’s story is just another proof that we should never question the power of prayer and faith in God.

“Just have faith; nothing is too big for our God,”a person who stumbled upon Matt’s incredible story said. “With God,” another added, “anything is possible.”

12 Hurtful Things You And Your Partner Should Never Say To Each Other Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:27:54 +0000 12 Hurtful Things You And Your Partner Should Never Say To Each Other

1. What have you ever done for me?

We tend to overlook the efforts and sacrifices others make for us. We only see our version of the relationship and tend to only base our perceptions and opinions on those. When you’re arguing about your partner’s contributions to the relationship, it’s natural for them to think, “My partner makes me feel like a bad person.”

2. You just ruined my day

People in successful marriages/relationships understand that their partner is not responsible for their personal mistakes. No matter how bad a day you have had, you should never tell them that they are the cause of bad external or internal events. You may be facing some pressure at work or have a long day dealing with some family troubles. However, it does not give you the opportunity to attack your partner.

3. Look at them and look at us

“I hate my relationship but I can’t leave him/her. I wish we had what you and your lover have” – You can always confide in a friend and share your relationship problems. But you shouldn’t throw something hurtful in your partner’s face. Every relationship is different. There’s no need to fall into the comparison trap; that can be the most hurtful thing to say to a man or woman.

4. Why do you always embarrass me?

Such a thing happens when both partners come from different backgrounds. Your partner tries to meet your relationship expectations, but always falls short of one thing or another. Instead of appreciating your partner’s efforts to fit into your world, you blame them for trying to shame you. Instead of introspection about how you haven’t learned enough about your partner and their struggles, you cling to a classist or ableist mentality.

Like when your husband says hurtful things when he’s embarrassed by your lack of table manners at a party, or when your wife makes fun of your outfit on a night out. Regardless of who this insult comes from, you or your partner, the problem is that you don’t think the other person is capable enough to match your level of awareness.

5. Your job is not as important as mine

“My husband treats me with contempt,” says Melanie, a 28-year-old kindergarten teacher from Brooklyn. “He constantly reminded me how insignificant my job was,” she added. Anyone can do what I do but as an investment banker, he is better. Even worse, my husband teased me when I cried. I hate my relationship but I can’t leave because of my son.”

What should you do when your husband belittles you? Melanie’s story is the story of many households where one person is the homemaker or does not earn as much as the other (regardless of gender). Every hurtful word spoken has consequences, and belittling your partner will only make them lose respect for you. Regardless of whose job is more demanding, a job is still a job and everyone takes pride in doing what they do. Unless you respect that, this can create permanent damage in the relationship that is difficult to repair.

6. You are my biggest mistake

This is another example of dismissive comments. Our reader Andrew wrote to us: “My boyfriend always tells me to leave when we fight. Being drunk and saying hurtful things are among his many red flags. When he sobered up, he apologized and made amends. Should I try to finish this job or walk away, like he told me?” Well, Andrew, you know, we all have relationship doubts at some point, but it’s usually a phase. We discuss them openly and gently with each other.

7. Why don’t you try to be like him or her?

What shouldn’t you say in an argument? A hurtful comment will judge your partner for who they are. The moment you tell them to be like someone they’re not, it hurts them a lot. They may not tell you how much it affects them, but in reality, it affects their image, ego, and self-esteem.

8. It’s your fault

No matter how hurtful it is, it’s still one of the most common things people say in a romantic relationship. Many times, one of the partners ruins things and you get stuck in a vicious cycle of blame. Even if they have made a mistake, there are other ways to let them know how to avoid the mistake and talk calmly instead of playing the blame game.

Your partner probably didn’t mean to make a mistake, and your hurtful words will only make things worse. If it’s the opposite, it’s better to admit your error wherever you did wrong. Always telling the other person “It’s your fault” will make them even more resentful.

9. I want to break up/divorce

This is the most hurtful thing to say to a man or woman you have loved for many years. In a relationship/marriage, it’s not all roses. There will be times when you disagree and you want to get out. At this point, your frustrated self will start acting out and saying things that you didn’t even mean to say. Every time things don’t go your way, you may wish for a divorce/break up.

10. You are so selfish

There will be times when you feel like the relationship is not what you want. If your partner is not meeting your expectations, there may be many explanations behind their actions. Are you making unreasonable demands? Is your partner at such a stage in their life where they need to prioritize their happiness? Think before you blurt the ‘s’ word.

11. I miss my ex

Does your girlfriend keep bringing up past relationships because she still can’t get over a certain ex? Sometimes it’s hard for most people to move on after a breakup, but this is no way to treat your current partner. You can be frank with your partner. That doesn’t mean you should constantly share your feelings about your ex.

You need to understand that there are some things you need to keep to yourself (or tell those close to you), otherwise, you will hurt your partner. Mentioning your ex and saying nice things about them is okay, but doing this when you compare them to your partner is the most hurtful. Saying that you miss your ex often will make your partner feel rehabilitated and they will start to feel inferior to that person.

12. I don’t love you anymore

“I don’t love you anymore” – Sounds like a final nail in the coffin, doesn’t it? When your spouse says hurtful things like this, your whole world seems to turn upside down. So unless you’re ready to end things with your partner, don’t ever think of using this phrase in any argument. In a relationship that’s past the honeymoon phase, there will be many ups and downs, and attractive singles will entice you back into the game.

9 Important Signs Your Husband Wants To Save The Marriage Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:13:50 +0000 9 Important Signs Your Husband Wants To Save The Marriage

1. He pays attention and gets involved again

It is one of the signs that your husband wants to mend your broken marriage as he becomes more interested. He listens to everything you say. He validates your feelings, opinions and judgments. He becomes more involved in your relationship. He will begin to negotiate with you about things that he once considered unacceptable. Or at least he’ll start meeting you halfway.

2. He is responsible

If your partner has done something wrong that has hurt you, such as disrespecting you, scolding you or breaking your trust, the fact that he sincerely apologizes and accepts responsibility for putting the marriage in danger is one of the signs. signal that your husband wants to save you. marry. This is especially important when saving a marriage after an affair.

After the affair, your husband must not only take responsibility and apologize, but also become a better man by allowing you more time to face the past. He shouldn’t pressure you to forgive him or move on. A good sign is if he offers a mature apology and shows that he’s willing to accept whatever the consequences of his actions may be.

3. He’s trying to rebuild intimacy

Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget to nurture the love we have for our partner. When we finally had time to sit down with them, we realized that the spark was gone. While making love is important, rebuilding intimacy in all its forms is equally important to overcoming a relationship breakdown.

4. He learns your love language

If you both express love in a way that the other person understands, it shows your commitment to maintaining the relationship. So, if your husband expresses love for you in both your love language and his, your husband is making an effort to fix your troubled relationship.

5. He talks about the future with great hope

When a man intends to divorce, he will not talk about the future as much as before. People tend not to mention things they are not invested in. So if things get bad, you won’t hear your spouse discussing buying a house with you, having kids with you, what school to send the kids to, or even planning a vacation with you. Friend.

But as time passes and you notice positive changes in that attitude, there may be hope after all. Ridhi says, “If he usually refuses to talk with certainty about the future of your marriage, but now he talks about it with high hopes, then he is definitely trying to save a marriage. The core is falling apart.”

6. He is creating a better environment for the children

You didn’t think about that when you first abused each other. But as conflicts increase, you also begin to notice changes in your child’s behavior. It’s no secret that if parents are constantly in conflict, it seriously affects their children. According to research, frequent conflicts between parents are linked to increased behavioral problems in children such as aggression, defiance and conduct disorders.

7. He has team spirit

Team mentality always helps save a marriage from divorce. It is one of the signs of intimacy in a relationship. It includes the following behaviors:

  • Know that it is “us” and not “me”
  • Ask for each other’s opinions and thoughts
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Make decisions together
  • Develop common values and respect different values
  • Ask questions and be curious about each other
  • Don’t try to take over mutual friends and family

8. He said so clearly himself

If you want things to work out, you’ll have to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he expresses that he wants to patch things up in a credible and sincere way, you can give him a chance to prove himself. For many couples, words and actions do not agree with each other. But when your husband does what he says, that’s one of the ways he becomes a better husband.

9. He is working on himself

Some examples that your husband is working on himself are:

  • He incorporates your feedback regularly in his behavior
  • He is open and honest about his feelings
  • He doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations
  • He knows how to fight fair
  • He is working on his insecurities
  • He is open to being vulnerable
5 Signs You Know If Your Ex Regrets Leaving You Thu, 18 Jan 2024 08:42:44 +0000 5 Signs You Know If Your Ex Regrets Leaving You

1. They interact with you on social networks

If your ex still has positive feelings for you, they won’t unfriend or unfollow you. If your ex is even remotely interested in getting back together with you, they will try to subtly convey the message through their social media activity. Liking, commenting or sharing your post is their way of saying “no hard feelings.”

2. They will try to stay in touch

You will be on their radar or they will make sure they are on your radar. Whether they run into you when you’re happily hanging out with friends or send you inspirational words of encouragement or festive greetings (ostensibly transitional), they won’t completely cut ties. with you. It may not be because they regret breaking up with you and want you back, but it could be the first step towards reconciliation.

3. They will ask about you

If not directly then at least indirectly, they will want to know what is going on in your life. What’s more, if you’ve followed the steps above and piqued their curiosity about your smarter, more confident, and more successful self. If they are asking discreetly through mutual friends, understand that your ex regrets breaking up with you and they may be ready to try again.

4. They share past memories with you

If you’re talking to your ex, they might talk about the past or randomly share memories of the two of you on Facebook about two years ago. That’s definitely a big sign that your ex regrets losing you and loves you.

5. They try to make you jealous

Let’s say you casually date someone after a breakup and make no bones about your new connection. If your ex has feelings for you, they will get jealous. A study conducted on 509 women and 338 men, published in the journal Frontiers of Psychology, found that single people had higher levels of jealousy toward their previous partners than those in relationships. current life partner.

Breakups are difficult to deal with and the temptation to get back together with the person you lost is often very strong. However, while it is not impossible to win back lost love, make sure that you are not anyone’s second choice.

11 Tips To Make You The Kind Of Woman Guys Regret Losing Thu, 18 Jan 2024 08:34:15 +0000 11 Tips To Make You The Kind Of Woman Guys Regret Losing

1. Bounce back quickly

After a breakup, most women tend to become reclusive, hibernate, and detox from social media to help themselves heal. While all of these self-care actions are important, you can’t maintain this state forever. Make the most of that time so you can quickly overcome this difficult situation. After all, you can’t put your own life on hold indefinitely because some guy doesn’t treat you right. So here’s what you do:

  • Don’t hold back the pain to become a strong, confident woman right after he broke your heart
  • Don’t wait for him to close the door for you, it may or may not come
  • Avoid overusing alcohol or partying to ease the pain
  • Work through your emotional upheavals privately instead of getting into a social media feud or a public argument
  • Remember, playing the victim will not do you any good
  • Try to get back to your old habits as soon as possible. Go to those yoga classes you signed up for, post fun Instagram stories like always, and continue to be yourself

2. How to become the girl you regret losing? Don’t be rude to him

When Alison ran into Paul a month after he cheated on her, he was sure she would tear him apart. But instead of making a harsh comment or saying something hurtful, she was nice as pie, “Hey, nice to meet you. How’s school?” Alison is not going to be the girl who puts someone down just to satisfy her bruised ego. Instead, she decides to kill him with kindness. And if you’re wondering whether it’s worth being kind to an ex who severed the deep bond you shared, here’s why:

  • Throwing mud at each other is no different than causing negativity
  • Being rude won’t change a guy’s mind about breaking up or make him feel guilty about losing a woman.
  • Rage and hateful thoughts only distract you from your real goals and priorities in life
  • Being kind to him will restore your faith in yourself as a good person and speed up the healing process.

3. Pay attention to the people around you

Do guys regret hurting a good girl? When they finally begin to understand her values on a deeper level. And especially when they see that girl do sweet and caring things for others like what she once did for him. The more closely you bond with your friends and family, the more he will miss you. You see, being the kind of girl who regrets losing isn’t that hard.

4. The type of woman that men regret losing doesn’t linger

So he walked over to your table and complimented the way you did your hair, “There’s something different about you today.” Now just because he’s being more polite doesn’t mean you have to treat him and buy him a coffee or something. Remember that he is still the person who broke your heart. To make him regret losing a high-value woman like you, here’s what you need to do:

  • Stay away if you feel like he’s trying to get too close
  • Don’t shun him completely, but don’t let him into your life either
  • Quickly step out of the situation or tell him you’re busy and need to work
  • Mature enough to act kindly but not stupid enough to make the same mistake again

5. Want to make him regret leaving a wonderful woman like you? Reject his advances

Repentance for losing a woman only makes a man heartbroken when he realizes there is no way to win her back. And it is your trump card to ensure that remorse will instill in him some good sense. You can’t let him make up for the hurt by asking you out again. When the reason you broke up finally gets to him, he might try accessing your DMs again and see if there’s anything you’re still interested in.

6. He will regret losing you when he sees you smiling brightly

Nothing hurts a man’s ego more than your happiness despite his hurtful actions. The consequences of losing a high-value woman become even more apparent when he sees that you are fully capable of taking care of yourself and being happy on your own. Rita, a reader from Ohio, shares her experience: “I’ve learned from past breakups that walking around in sweatpants, with a gloomy face and puffy eyes is no good. Doesn’t benefit you at all.

“He will think that all you do is miss him. You have to give him that million-watt smile and he will be super confused as to why you aren’t upset about the breakup. You never know, he might even come back asking for a second chance! Men love a woman who can be brave even in the face of the fiercest storms. To do that, all you need to do is bring some positive changes in your life:

  • Cut ties with the past and practice more groundedness
  • Feel grateful for all the loved ones and good times in your life
  • Selfless acts of kindness like serving at a soup kitchen or volunteering at a pet shelter can help you escape your pain.
  • Stay in touch with people who give you a sense of positivity and energy
  • No matter how difficult it is, try to forgive your ex to give you peace of mind

7. Continue to show up in social situations where he is present

He will regret losing you the moment he realizes that him leaving your life didn’t change you that much. But if you give him the slightest hint that you’re avoiding him, his masculine ego will take a hit because now he thinks you’re not strong enough to face him. And this is not exactly the type of girl that guys regret losing.

So if your mutual friends are getting married or just having a 4th of July party at your college, don’t hold back. And why should you miss out on spending time with your friends just because he can be there too? Little tips for the day: don’t play mind games, don’t dress too fancy to attract his attention, or go on a date (as part of the act) to make him feel jealous.

8. Invest in a new look

I mean, who hasn’t colored their hair after a breakup? In fact, if it was one of those office romances where you continue to see each other every day, this is a great way to become the kind of girl guys regret losing. Get a snazzy new powder-blue blazer, wear it to work, and watch his jaw drop as he sees you walking out of the elevator. To show him, “If you dumped a great girl, you will rue the day”, here are a few makeover ideas to accent the confident woman in you:

  • If retail therapy is your thing, a couple of trendy outfits in your wardrobe might help you feel good
  • A new haircut, funky hair colors, or a transition from glasses to contact lenses always comes in rescue
  • Makeovers are not all about clothes and hairdos. You could follow a fitness regime to get into shape
  • Or you can try committing to a healthy routine to bring an overall change in lifestyle like good food, journaling, jogging, meditating
  • Taking care of your mental health should be your top priority. If that means consulting a professional, so be it

9. The type of girl who regrets losing is the one who excels in her career

You then. It’s time to use your terrible breakup as motivation and put all that pent-up energy into your work. The better you are at your job and other aspects of life, the more he will regret treating you poorly because he will realize that you are ahead of your time and he has lost a truly wonderful person.

10. Tell him what you’ve been up to

My upstairs neighbors, Betty and Michael, who have been together for several years, recently had a falling out. Now every time they meet at a party, I have to endure their arguments like a mutual friend. So I had to tell Betty, “Don’t make every conversation about your breakup and start criticizing him. When he knows you’re still thinking about it, he’ll just back off.

  • You can talk about how busy you are with work and pursuing hobbies, passions, or side hustles
  • Tell him about everything you’ve done, from solo trips to furnishing a new apartment.
  • Or there’s always Instagram to post a fun feed full of pictures of how you work, study, eat healthy, make art and journal, exercise, get enough sleep and still spend time. Time to look great every day.

11. He will regret treating you poorly when he knows you have moved on

To seal the deal, if you really want to be one of those guys who regrets losing, don’t rant on your social media about how all men are trash and cruel or just jerks. outright lie. Instead, believe in creating love and happiness for yourself again. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship and we believe your true soul mate is just around the corner.

  • Don’t give in to moments of weakness and temptations to get back together
  • Be kind to yourself – be less lazy if you can’t always give your best at everything
  • Try not to live in the past – be open to new possibilities and the idea of trusting and loving another person
  • In the meantime, do whatever it takes to stay productive, happy, and healthy (both mentally and physically).