windowcleaning – Just Me Talking Make Your Day Wed, 08 Nov 2023 07:49:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 windowcleaning – Just Me Talking 32 32 231211893 The Best Homemade Window Cleaning Solution With Vinegar Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:00:22 +0000 Dirty windows can ruin the look of the home, but for some reason, few of us prioritize them during our daily cleaning routine.

SEE MORE: Revive Your Linens with Vinegar: The Secret to Softer Towels and Bed Sheets at Home

Maybe it’s because windows feel separate from the other cleaning chores. They require different cleaners, different tools, and a different approach. By the time you’ve finished with the rest of the house, tackling windows can feel like too much effort.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get sparkling windows with the same cleaner you use for the other surfaces around your home?

We’ve shown you how to clean with vinegar throughout the house, and conveniently enough, that all-purpose miracle also makes an impressive homemade window cleaning solution! With your vinegar cleaner, there’s no reason to skip the windows during your next deep clean. Simplify your routine by using this homemade glass cleaner today!

1. Mix a strong vinegar solution.

Dishwashing detergent + White Vinegar + Water
Dishwashing detergent + White Vinegar + Water

If you’ve never cleaned your windows with vinegar before, you might want to mix up a slightly stronger vinegar solution for your first attempt.

Mix two cups (480 mL) water, ¼ cup (60 mL) white vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar), and ½ teaspoon (2.5 mL) of dishwashing detergent.

Spray the window’s surface with the solution and wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

2. Make a basic vinegar solution.

Water + Vinegar
Water + Vinegar

If you clean your windows with vinegar pretty regularly, you can use a more basic solution for your cleaning needs.

Mix 1 cup (240 mL) water with 1 cup (240 mL) vinegar.

Spray the window glass until wet with vinegar solution and wipe it with a clean microfiber cloth.

3. Use straight vinegar.

If you have really grimy windows, you’ll want to wash them with an extra strength solution.

Simply warm 1 cup (240 mL) of white vinegar and apply it directly to glass (a spray bottle is best for this particular solution).

If your windows are extra dirty, you can leave this solution on your windows to soak for a minute or two before you rinse it off.

4. Use vinegar and baking soda.

Vinegar + Baking soda
Vinegar + Baking soda

If you want to clean your window tracks, you can use a combination of vinegar and baking soda to remove dirt and grime.

Sprinkle some baking soda along the window tracks and then pour some vinegar over it.

Let the mixture fizz for a few minutes and then scrub it with a toothbrush or a small brush. Wipe away the residue with a damp cloth.

5. Use vinegar and dish soap.

Vinegar + Dish Soap
Vinegar + Dish Soap

If you want to clean large or outdoor windows with vinegar, you can use a solution of equal parts dish soap and vinegar.

Fill a bucket with warm water and add the soap and vinegar.

Dip a sponge or a squeegee in the solution and scrub the window. Rinse with a hose or a clean cloth dipped in water. Dry the window with a microfiber cloth or a newspaper.

You can see more window cleaning solution with vinegar at THIS OUR VIDEO

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